HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 389 ' LS ORDINANCE N0, 389 AN ORDINANCE TO BS EA1TI7}. Et "AN CHDIHANCE REGULATING CHATzGTiS FOR, 7 LFPHONL S"-RVIC.' IN TiG; CI% Y OF FAyT TTFVILLT , tzRKA'n AS , n DE IT OtDAINFD IIY T}I^ CITY C ARKANSAS : OUTdCIL OF Tf CITY . OF FAYETTEVILLF,, Sec . 1. That hereafter no person, persons, firm, partnership, or company or corporation owning or operating a telephone exchange within the corpor"G limits of the city of Fayetteville , Arkansas shall charge or receive from the inhabitants of said City of Fayetteville, Arkansase oreaterwit2 . prlees for the use of telephones than those set forth as follows , to-vait : Telephones for business houses and offices, poste including .all wire , transmitters, and receivers necessary for operation a telephone . Direct line , . . . 43. 00 per mo. 2 Party lire . . . . 2. 50 if . n Extensions . . . . : . 1. 00 " n Telephone for residences, ell necessary fixtures included : Direct line. . . . . $2,00 per mo. 2 Party line . . . . 1 . 75 " rr 4 Party line . . . . 1.50 it it Extensions. . . . ; , .50 it rr Sec. 2. Any person, persons, . firm owning or operating a telephone excha - ithinsaidps company, or corporation Arkansas who shall rail or refuse to hgecepththesrateCity O f FvYGttevi.11e, city Council of said City of Fayetteville by fixed by the . service , and instead thereof shall char ° Ark. to charged for telephone amount .than that fixed by said City Council ass aforesaiddemands or cshall be deesdd guilty of a 7aiademeanor and upon conviction therefor shall be fined in any sum not less than y25. 00 no more than ;>500. 00 and each such overcharge so made or aclpted shall constitute a ' separate offense . Sec . 3. That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- With, be and the same ere hereby repoaled and this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its' pas' approvals and publication. Aug. 300 1918 MICROFILMED DATE OST 4 197& REEL o vliurrCE rro. 389 AN ORDTAdATdCE TO AS EA>7TTI,:ND t1AN ORDITTANCE REGULATIT7C C1f RGFS FOR ELEI'HOid SCRVICE IPd TW; CITY OF FAYETMVrLLr,, ARKA'?SAS , rr BE ITORDAINS BY TH;? CITY COUA?CIL OF T.!^ CITY OF FAYETTEPSLLE, AHJUNSAS : Sec . 1. That hereafter no person, persons, firm, partnership, or company or corporation owning or operating a telephone exchange vithi.n the receive limits of the city of Fayetteville ,. Arkansas shall char or receive from the inhabitants of said City of Fayetteville , Arkansas, greater prices for the use of tel thein those set forth as follov:s.4 greater Telephones for business houses and offices, , posts including all Yrire transmitters, and receivers necessary for . operation a, telephone , Direct li.ne . . . . . 63e00 per mo, 2 Party lire . , . . 2 .50 or it Extensions . . . . . . 1. 00 n rr Telephone for residences, all necessary fixtures included : Diract_ line, . . , . $2.00 per mo. 2 Party line . . . . 1. 75 er .e 4 Party line . . . ; 1050 11 n Extensions . . . . . . . 50 it rr . owning or Sec. 2. Any person, persons, firma Partnershipid , company" or corporation Arkansas who hallgraileorprefuse xtoaace pththesrateslhereb Fayetteville , City Council of said Cit y of Fayetteville, Ark. to char , y fixed by the service , _and instead thereof shall charge, demand, or receiver telephone eater amount than that fixed by said City CounoiJ. as aforesaid shall bereatar guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction therefor shall deemdd sum not less than P25. Q0 nor mdse than " fined in any made or accepted shall constitute a separate offense , and each such overcharge so Sec . 3. That all ordinsnceseind parts of ordinances in conflict here- with : be and the same acre hereby repealed and this ordinance shall take effect and be, in force from and after its pasBaCea approval , and publication. Aug• 30, 1918