HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 381 O$D3Iv�Y3CE idO . 381 nt r 9 'ter+ -�n r�i :n +.Y.[� P G' i '' ^ i (' 'TSF �' n� 11:: ac�Drltsm 4 to .:! X �..�; OF I >.:S . Ve"IM.`iid t .� .,ORPORIL_E L 3I> OF T(E L1 :. 1 OF S'heE :. .:. '{: lt._._ J. Ml:l\f11YJP=..I � : 1 rJJ VT Tll V .LlAS_r 'flliSlALs vT1VLVJ4 B3 .Ii C FIO.A I Nj r � L?' i, coi 'i_' 1? OF . :'iii? CF` OF r,ATTE°ll";U7:LG.,. ARKANSASs Section 1 . It ,ha17. . h . rja ter` ua uPiLa: ful. 'for any persa .whoe over to :keep any B67-- viE in : the ,corpo1'.7.tE a.'_IP2vs tiftri; (`'tar 7f. igyd ileville , f.rkmnsa3y-- tithout' .:- flrSt having SCCUraa ii'La� the . Cit JlozO.."Gh O �fi.cer - 8 permit, to- do- ss6; which .per- shall be tust3nzi..y_ i_1 . Ja �.o_l-io«:uig aonq to-.ite ` ' A ; permit is hereby .- mit issued ' to tu . ceec one hog :airiii:i the 'cora6rate limits of the CitY of . I'ayatte. iile, :;n as i;. an 2,tcla;3u c to cs located zt. This .pex+� mit. issuad subject a ':rise do'?a'. irg: oonditiors.e the enciosuro an a. c the hog is to .be 'kept crust at all time • be :kept clean and Me from filth; tLrash', � and ' mud, and,. must be maintaiheU in a card tL.on that no .offen •ive odors :may be aotics= able . thereficm, and Susi. ^ t . al.l riraes tie kept in suc , . a conition that sane shall net becc:a ' z r i ante . i"ne C'itg' F:ea::th Df_i. cer. hereby . retains the right - to revoke this: permit- at' any 'ti..T ,. and if for any :ccason , this permit is revoked the holder thereof agrees to rernova the hog from the corperate, limits of 'the City of. Fayette- Ville , arkansas3 wl `i iii twentu -lour ' 2>c) : hours 'after notice eS revocation is se, vad upon, him, or if the hol4er oainnot• Ue f`o-,and, than the City, of'_ Fayetteville , . . act?.ng , throgh FiE� City I`:�alth Officer' shall hs :e th^ . rigk.t .o remove the hog from the City ? i.mi.tes at the: erg^se of `tn . holder of ..tk s e it. I any eVent this permit is revokad andthe hog removed - from City Limits , the holder hereof a,gees to `t,:iotougtiLy clean ard.. dis:.nfect ' the 'eriolesure nithin 'twenty -four hours . after notice of revocation is served or hog removed as herein provided . This Permit shall -ramein in force 12 months from date is not transferable . The : City Health Officer shall issue . no permit ' as 'herein set forth when in his opinion the location of the proposed enclosure is such as is likely to benne a nuisance . Sec tion 20 No person shall be- allowed to . keep more than me hog at any one . timenitUn the corporate limits is - of the said City; and the work "perso±itt as used herein is meant to include and does include a family. No more - than one hog shall be kept in any one enclosure and it shall be deemed a violation of this ordinance for arty person to butcher 'sny' hog within tae dorporat. 15n :itE7 :.o] the Qe: d City cxoeyt in the manner provided y the City Board of Vea.lth: . '.. It shall ixn . doe,3d a violation of alias ordinance for any person to keep _ arty ;liog t: t?iz? one ( 1 ) fullblock of -any part of the' public square or e.ithin and (l ` full )leek from inti section of Dickson Street and E:est :street. Seet:i_os 3 . AD,17 ea- son .=.hcshall riolatoe any of the provisions of this ordinance `shf be deemed gailbr of a misde:.raancr, " and upon conviction thereof in the Police Ceurt of the City of <:;,:: t;:, Ville: , Fri:s.risasy an 11 be putis} d by a fine of not lesa than Five Do?.la.i7s . fzi ,! nc • ro;•e tLann . Rifteorl Dvila;3 ( # 1C. 00 ) for each offense , and each dor or ptar•b 'tho.veot' 'fiat: Vdq ordinance so iialat-ed s` all constitute a sep— arate offense . SYotior+_ 4. That UJ.s o!.iansnee be in full fence a:1d effect 15 days after its passage apprcvE:i and public;3::ion _'!nil that all ordinan es -cr pelts thla--eof in conflict bere— with be and sanea are has'eb;/ revealed . Fass, d and aJ J:*SCi 'this Ist clay of Tile Ur, i rJ ' MICROFILMED R��