HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 367 . Oi2DIIuA'r;OE ??G , >07 .. AN ORDIMPIGE TOTrEQUIRE ALL P RSOi•TS , • YrRii"S, Pro) COR'OIU81IONS TO OBTAIR A ?T's CUT D* ORS EX'CAUTDIG A"Y STEt'7T OR ALL':Y "'11MIN Tl!CORPORATC LIYTTS OF T!F. ' :I71 OF 1AYRT "VT. LLB, ARKh -T(ZAS . I� BE IT ORDAPIRD Y.Y TfP? CITY COUTICIL OF F'AYET77VILTe, ARYPTSAS : Sec . 1. Pio person, firm, or corporation, or agent, officer or other representative of any iWrovement district operating any sevmr system, nater system, or other utility, or any other person or persons whosoever, except the duly appointed and acting Street Commissioner shall excavate or cause to be excavated any public street or alley vithin the corporate lin- ts of the said City, except as herein provided. Sec . 2 . No person, firm, or corporation, or agontar, officer, or other representative of any improvement district operating any sewer system, v. ater system or ctbor utility, or any other person or persons .except as herein . provided shn1l excavate or cause to be excavated any public street ' or alley within the *corporate limits of the said City without first having obtained from the Street Commissioner a written permit therefor, which permit shall state the Vocation, vridth, depth, and number of lineal feet of the proposed excavation and the purpose for which proposed excavation is to be made . All measurement'; shall be based from the curb line except where the excava- tion rims parrallel with the curb% Sa _. 3• • Befoany such permit shall be issued, the Street Commissioner shall- -receive Before any from the applicant a cash forfiet of not less than 75¢ or more than sp1: 50 for each lineal foot - to be excavated where the proposed excavation is, jkbe made into the surface of any macadacu zed or paved street or alley; and not less than Tuenty five Cents ( . 25 ) or more than 41. 00 for each lineal foot to be ' excavated into the surface of any street or alley not macadamided or paved. The amount of all forfeits shall be fixed by the Street Commissioner in a sum sufficient to indemnify the laity against loss in the event the street or alley is damaged by reason of the excavation. The Street Commissioner shall also fix the - time in which any street or alley so excavated shall be reaaired to his satisfaction. Sec . h. The Street Commissioner shall inspect all streets and alleys so excavated and if not replaced in as good condition as before such excavation was made vathin the time limit as fixed by the said Street Commissioner in the permit, it shall then befome the duty of the said Street Commissioner to repair the street or alley so excavated in as good condition as before such excavation tas made , paying therefor from the cash forfeit received from the person or corporation causing the excavation to Lr made and returning the remainder, if any to such person or corporation. Sec . 5 • The Street Commissioner shall be auti:orized to issue blanket or emergency permits to excavate any street or alley which blanket or emergency permit , shall authorize the excavation of not more than 50 lineal feet within 90 days from the date of issue of such permit and shall require a forfeit therefor as hereinbefore provided . The holder of any such blanket or emergency permit shall report to the Street Commissioner within 24 hours any eXcavation so made , giving lacation MiCROFI ED DATE 1978 REEL I Ordinance 367 , �2 and number of lineal feet excavated , and in no case shall any excavation be made in excess of the number of lineal feet allowed in the permit. Repairs shall be made by the Street Comai.ssioner as provided in Sec . 4 of this Ordinance . sec . 6. any person, persons , firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than Five Dollars M. 00 ).- or more than One Hundred Dollars (s1OO . 00 ) for each offense , Sec . 7 . That this Ordinance be in full force and effect from and after its ,passage, approval , and publication ; and all Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewith be jand the same are hereby repealed. April 16, 1917 •