HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 364 ORDINANCE 1110 . 364 6hHEREAS, the majority in value of the property holders Mli.ng property adjoining the locality to be affected and situated in jest Mountain Improve. ment District No. 1, of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas organized for the purpose of rolling, grz;di.n€, and macadamizing rest I:ountain Street £rom the west side of Black Stree4. to the west side of School Street, have petitioned the Council of the City of Fayettelville ,. Arkansas for the construction of said Improvement, and the cost thereof shall be assessed upon the real pro_ perty of said district acr.ordine. to benefits received ; and tHsRrA>, said benefits received by each and every block, lot, and parcel of real property situated in said district equals or exceeds the local assessment thereon; and HER'EAS, the estimate) cost of said improvement was Eighteen Hundred ' Dollars (,5'111300. 00) which was Three Hundred Eighty Six Dollars and thirty five cents ( ,' 3W& 35) less khan the actual cost of the improvement district, thus causirT a deficien6y c.f Three Hundred Eighty Sir, Dollars and thirty five cents ( ;';386. 35) ; and UHER"J.S , the board of :improvement of said improvement district on the 5th day of January, 1917 reported the above mentioned deficiency to the Council of said City and rec;iested that reassessme;At equal in amount to the deficiency be levied upon th:: real property within raid district as pro_ vided by Section 5716 of KirlyIs Digest; and WHERrAS , the board of r:ssessment of said district has filed said reassessment with the Clerl, of said City on the 2nd d9y of February, 1917 ; TFeN?EFORE, IT IS. ?fan; O'IDAIrJED DY THE COM2IL OF TI7i CIrOr FAY^TT^VIi,1 : Sec . 1. That said ueveral blocks, lots, and parcelo of real property sitaated in said district be assessed according to the as::sssment list for sad improvement distr.,q.ct as same now remains in the offics of the Clerk of the City Of rayettevi.lie ; Arkansas, and that 100,% on each :if said blocks , lots, and parcels shall be paid on or before the 15th day Cf March, 1917 . And said local r::assessment shall be a charge and a liety against all real property in said district from the date of said ordinanca and shall be entitled to preferences over all judgements, executions , enc•vnb;ances, or , liens whence ever created, and shall continue until such local'. reassessment with any penalty and costs that may accrue thereon at the date ci the transfer of such real property shall be payable by the grantee . Sec . 2 . That this ordinance be in force from and after its approval, and publication, and all ordinances or parts thereof in coi 'lict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Feb. 2, 1917 . MiU0FILMED. DATEw;_1978 REEL..