HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 363 _ ORDPtAY10 NO , 363 AN O.RDIPIAMCE TO RDQUIRE TAfM ST .LOUIS AND SATJ FRA`?CISCO RAILROAD COi:7?Adiy TO BUILD AM % AMST j" T A T:R?�= OUL3. AND ACROSS T ALL STR^ T. BE IT ORi3AINED BY TH7 CITY ouvrCIL OF' FAY !TM, VILLS , ARrATCSA° : Sec . 1. That the St. Louis and San "rrancisco Railroad Company is hereby ordered, directed, and required to build and construct a trestle over and across .call Street, known also as :raa,rie Grove road, at a point where the right of way of said railroad company crosses or intersects , said '„all Street with not less than fourteen (14) feet �;learance above the surface of said street to allow safe passage of traffic,. ` Sec. 2 . That the face of the abuttoent at the south end of said trestle shall not be north of a point which is due west of a point three hundred seventeen and six tenths ( 317 .6 ) feet due north of the southeast corner of the southwest quarter, section 16, Township 160 north of range 30 west, ,the Count, Arkansas ; and the iace of the abutment at the north end of the said trestle shall not be south of a point which is due west of a point 357 .6 feet due north of the said southeast corner of the southwest quarter of Section 16, Township 16 north of range 30 v9st, jounty and State aforesaid. The face of said southabutment being on the south line of said 1;x11 Street and the face of the north abutment heir;;on the north line of said Street. That no part of said street shall in any manner be obstructed by an pier, pile , abutment or other part of said trestle . See . 3. That the said St. Louis k San Francisco railroad Company shall comply with the provisions of this ordinance within 60 days from and after the passage approval, and publication of this ordinance . Oct. 6, 1916 . MICROFILMED DATE_ —L%'.L 4 Osie REEL