HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 361 + - ORDItIIANCP Trio. 361 All ORDIFIANCE TO ER ENTITLED $ Pi6N 03DINAPTCE MGULA'PIP!G RIDI'IG, DRIVIPIO , t? AV'19 110 TRAFFIC SP! TrC STREET 1`!D OTHER PUBLIC THOROUGHFIIRPS OF T!M CITY OF FAYETrWILLE , FE IT ORDAIl?E;D BY THE aMCT_L OF T;iE CITY OF FAYPTTPiTTLi,', ARK - Sec . y„Sec . 1 . The oumerp opea•ator,, driver, or person in charge of any cart, dray, wagon, hackney, coach, onmibus, automobile , taxicab, carriage., bug motorcycle , tricycle , bycycle , or other vehicle gy, used, propelled, or driven ity of Fayetteville shall conform to and observe upon the streets , of the C the following rules and regulations upon all such streets , alleys , avenues, and public places in saici City. Sec , 2 . The wird Vvehicleti includes esquestrians everything on , led horses , =nd ,heels or:• runner:;, except baby carriages and toy Trak ons , the word "horse" includes 111 domestic animals, the Hord domestic animals , the word driver includes ';he rider or driver of a horse , the rider of ticheels and the operator of a vei: cle , Sec . 3. The Crl.ver or person in control of a vehicle in slordng or stopping shall sira;.l those i'i the rear by raising whip or hand. Sec . 4. No vehicle shall be turned unless a signal shall be previously be given by the ildp or hand indicating the direction in which the turn is to be made . sec . 5 . l :c person in control of a vehicle shall back the same without ample warni;sg hiving been given; ..end while backing, care must be exercised not to in,jaxe :hose in the rear. Sec 6, Every person in charge of a vehicle shall pull to the right of the etre c or road when si ma).ed from a vehicle beb-ing desiring to Pass . Sec . Pio vehicle shill so occupy any street as to interfere vith or inte:^rupt tiie passaCe of other vehicles . Sec . 8. Vehicles shall. not stop on the cross walks so as to interfere wi ':h the passage of pedestrians , Sec, . 9. Vehicles shall be driven in a careful manner and with due regard Ior the safety and ccmv'enience of pedestrians and all other vehicles . 10. Every person using any vehicles on any street in the City of Faye t; :ville shall operate, dT3ve , or ride such vehicle on the right of the center of the street, except inhere the right side of the stree court ion as to be impassable . t is in such Sec . 11 . Vehi les moving slowly shall keep as close as possible to the ,rb to the right allowing more swiftly moving vehicles Free passage to their . :ft. Sec . 11 . A vehicle meeting another shall pass on the right. Sec . 13. A vehicle overtaking another shall pass on the left side of the overt: ken vehicle and not Lull to the right until entirely clear of it. MICROFILMED ' DATE OCT 4 LqM REEL_ 1 1 Ordinance 361 (00n0t. ) - Sec. 7.1s. A vehicle turning into another street to the right shall turn tho corner as near to the right hand curb as possible'. Sec , 15 . A vehicle when turning to the left to enter an intersecting street shall not turn until it shall have passed beyond the center of such intorsectinr street . Sec . 16 . 7ehicles at the intersection of streets shall have the right- of-way over all vehicles on the left regardless of directi m . Sec . 17 . Every motor vehicle shall carry during the period from sunset to one hour before sunrise at least two lighted lamps , shoving white lights , visible at least 200 feet in the diredtion Unvards which such motor vehicle is proceeding, and shall also exhibit at least one lighted lamp which shall be so situated as to throw a red light, visible in the reverse direction . Sec . 18 . No person under 18 years of age vdll be permitted to drive a motor driven vehicle on the streets of the said city v,ithout first having. obtained to, written permit duly issued by the council of said City. Sec . 194 nll motor driven vehicles shall be parked on the right hand side of the street by heading into the curb at an angle of 45 degrees . Sec. 20. All motor driven vehicles must use a "muffler" which shall be sufficient to deaden the sound of the explosions , and such muffler shall not be disconnected or cutout ,;hale such motor driven vehicles is being operated upon any of the streets or public places of the said city. Sec. 21 . Ido vehicle shall. exceed in speed 15 miles an hour for the distance of 1/8 of a mile , in the business sections of the City, outside of the business sections the speed shall not exceed 20 miles and hour for a distanco of 1/4 of a mile in going„ around corners vrhere the operators view is 'obstructed, no vehicle shall exceed 1) adles an hour ; ample warning shall be ei.ven by sounding horn or signal before the turn is m�.de , providing the speed limit imposed by this section shall not apply to fore apparatus, ambulance or doctor, a vehicle when plainly designated as such. Sec . 22 . All vehicles shall drive to the curb upon the approach of fire apparatus and to remain standinU until such fire apparatus shall have passed. Sec . 23 . Pothing herein contained shall be so construed as to repeal Ordinance 261 , passed and approved July 22 , 1909 or. Ordinance 291, passed and approved on the 18th day of April., 19122 governing the parking of com- mercial vehicles or taxicabs . Sec. 24. .'i11 persons violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and }upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum of not less than one dollar nor more than twenty five dollars for each offence . July 12 , 1916