HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 356 0RDINJU E No. 356 AN ORDINANCE to be entitled "An Ordinance to tax dogs owned or kept in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . " HE IT OSUAINIED BY TO COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY Or FAYETTIEVILLE, AIMANSAS : Sec. 1—That there shall be collected on every dog owned or kept within the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas, a tax of one dollar and fifty cents (; 1. 50 ) per annum, which tax shall be paid to or collected by the Chief of Police of said City; the period for which such tax shall be paid shall end on the 31st of December of each year. Every person owning or keeping a dog within the corporate lizAts of the said City of Fayetteville shall apply to the Chief of Police of said City and upon payment to hLa of one dollar and fifty cents ( 1. 50 ) for each doe armed or kept by him shall receive a receipt for the sum so paid and shall be furnished vdth a tag showing that such sum has been paid, which tag shall be attached by the owner or keeper to the dog for which payment was made, by a collar securely fixed around the neck of such do[:. Every person owning or keeping a dog or dogs in the said City of Fayetteville without paying the tax herein provided or keeping the tag evidencing such payment attached to such dot., shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor; and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not more than tusenty-five dollars (x25. 00 ) or less than five dollars (*5 . 00 ) ; provided, that no person shall incur this penalty until five (5 ) days after he has been notified by the Chief of Police of his liability to pay said tax and the failure theregter to pay same ; or his liability to keep the tag evidencinE: such payment attached to such dog and his failure to do so. Sec. 2- That where dogs owned or kept in the City of Fayetteville are found about my premises or in the streets of said City of Fayetteville after the first day of February of each year on which no taxes have been paid or to which no tag is attap'hed, as required in Section 1 of this Ordinance, it shall become the duty of the Chief of Police of the said City of Fayetteville to verbally notify the person in charge of such preJai.ses , . or tho ormer or keeper if known of arty dog found upon the streets of the City to coxae forr;ard within three (3 ) days and pay said tax unless such person so notified shall disclaim any ownership in such dog by himself or any member of his family when so notified shall fail for three ( 3) days after such notifi- cation to pay the tax on such dog shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this Ordinance and shall be punished as provided in Section 1 thereof. . Sec . 3- That if the armor of said premises or the person in charge thereof shall disclaim any interest in such dog or claim thereto by any member of his family or if the ormor or keeper of any dog found upon the streets of the said City be unknorm it shall bo the duty of the Chief of Police to eraplay some competent person who shall take charge of said dos and keep the same in some convenient place in the City of Fayetteville for the period of twenty four ( 24) hours, and if during that period no person will pay the tax on such dos then it shall be the duty of the person so employed to kill the dos so kept by him and bury the carcas in a place designated for such purpose by the City Council of said City. It shall be the duty of said Chief of Police to contract with such person on the best and most reasonable terms that may be with reference to the impounding and killing of dogs as herein provided not exceeding fifty cents per hoad. MICROFILMED DATE OCT 4 1978 REEL ' Ordinance No. 356,--2 Sec . 4—It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police of the said City to procure a sufficient number of tars for the dogs in said City and that he who shall apply therefor on or before the first day of February of each year at and for the sum of one dollar ( '91. 00 ) for each dol.. . After the first day of February in each year all persons liable for such tax shall pay the full aaount of the tax as required by Section 1 of this Ordinance, to-wit : One dollar an.i fifty cents (:;'91. 50) for each dog; provided, that where a dog is brought into the City after the said first day of February, the person liable for the tax on such dog shall have fifteen (15 ) days in which to pay the said one dollar (;;1.00) and failing to pay the required tax within such Mod he shall be required to pay the sun of one dollar and fifty cents (a,;1. 50rfor each dog. Sec . 5—rlt any time after the first day of February in each year, it shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to notify all persons in the said City liable for the tax herein provided to pay the same within five (5 ) days from the date of such notice , and if the same is not so paid to take such steps as herein provided for the enforcement of this Ordinance and the collection of such tax. Sec . 6- At the first regular meeting of the City Council in each month it shall be the duty of the ;thief of Police to submit a report showing in detail all collec- tions made by him under this Ordinance during the preceoding month and that he has deposited the same frith the City Treasurer to the credit of the general revenue fund. Sec. 7- That nothing contained in this Ordinance shall be so construed as to apply to do.-s under the are of six ( 6) months on the first day of Feb. , of each year. Sec . 8—That Ordinance No. 145, passed on the 26th of July, 1904, Ordinance No. 209 passed on the 23rd day of January, 1907 and all other ordinances or harts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same ars hereby repealed; and this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passaEe , a,)proval, and publication. Passed andapproved this 18th day of February, 1916. Approved : Tom Taylor , mayor Attest: D. E. Dridenthal, Clerk ICROFILM&D DATE ^C7 4 REEL 1979