HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 353 ORDIn I-tCE ND • 353 AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE BUILDING, REBUILDIIIG, R PAIRI I.Y. AMD �INTAINING TOOT PAVr.:.P"NT" OR SIOM':AI FS , CURBING :M GUTTERSM ON AND ALO"G ALL PROPERTY AZUTTII70, 01N 71IE STREb'TS AND PUBLIC SQUARES :. ITIIIAr THS: CITY OF FL•YI;TT?VILLE , ARKMSAS : See 1 . That the owner or owners of all lots and real property within the City of Fayetteville , txkansas , -whish abutt on the streets or public squares therein, are hereby required to build, rebuild, repair, and maintain foot pavements or sidewalks , curbing and guttering there along when ordered to do so by an ordiTi nce , resolution, or order as hereinafter provided. Sec . 2 . "When the City Council shall doom it expedient to have such sidewalk, curbing or guttering built, "Auilt or repaired they shall pass an ordinance , resolution, or order directing the ovmer or owners of the property abutting on the street or public square along to the Chief of Police a notice to the owner or owners of the passage of such ordinance , resolution, or order and further notify such owner that upon his failure neglect or refusal to construct, reconstruct or repair said sidewalk, surb- ing or guttering in the manner provided by existing ordinances within 30 days from the service of said notice upon, said City will proceed to con- tract with some suitable person to construct, reconstruct or repair the same and will charge the costs thereof together with the penalty provided by law, against said property as a lien therein. Sec. 3. The Chief of Police , upon receiving such notice from the Clerk shall serve the same by delivering a copy thereof to the owner as required by said ordinance, resolution, or order to make such improvement, or if such owner cannot be found, by delivering a copy to the agent in charge of said property, said Chief of Police shall endorse such notice the time and manner of service thereof and file such notice and return with the City Clerk; and the return of the Chief of Police shall be prime facie evidence of its recitals . Sec. 4. If the ovmer of any lot or property so required to construct, reconstruct or repair any sidev:alk, curbing, or guttering as prescribed by this ordinande , shall fail or refuse to do so for thirty (30) days from the time of receiving the notice provided for in section 3 of this ordinance, the person so offending shall be deenDd guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than ;1 . 00 nor more than ten dollars for each offence , and each day that such offender shall fail or refuse to comply rrith such notice shall be deemed a separate offense , and further, in case the owner of any lot or property shall fail or refuse to comply wit: . such notice for thirty ( 30) days w rtiv= after the due service of the same , it shall be the duty of the City Clerk after givinb ten (10) days notice thereof in sorra; newpaper published in said city to receive sealed bids or proposals for furnishing the materials and doing said work in the manner provided by this ordinance and to submit such sealed bids to the City Council at its next regular meeting for its acceptance or resection; and nmxkadmd said City Council 1 11 2xE&mxtkz shall then have the pourer and is hereby authorized to let the contract for such work and shall do so to the lowest responsible bidder, tirhen such improvement shall be made it shall be paid for by the City and the said City shall proceed to collect the amount expended for the same by suit against such owner or by foreclosing its lien on said property in the manner provided by law. "7assec{ 4- {CPpr6DC4 Sept. 3, 19156 (Repealed ) MICROFILMED DATE OCT a 1978 REEL.LAI