HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 351 X35. 1 ATI ORDINAL dC TO gST,IBLI,SH 'Eir CUIM A-tiD CHTT?R.S ;11THI$ THE' CORPORA7, LI?UTS OF THr', C7'1Y Or FAY4TT 'VIT,T,7 , ARK . : BE IT ORDAINED EY TFL CITY COUNCIL OF FAY?TTWILT,3 , ARd141AS : Sac . 1. That from and after the passage, approval, ane; publication of this ordinance all concrete curb and Cutters shall 1s constructed in accordance with the spacifications as set 'forth in Section 2 of this Ordinance ; and no curb or gutter shall be accepted by the City of Fayetteville unless same has been built in accordance crith the said specifications . Sec . 2 . Specifications for all concrete curb and Llutter constructed in and along any public street alley or avenue within said City shall be as follows , unless the dimensions of same are othe noise specified in the resolution or order ordering the construction of such concrete curb and Cutters . Portland Cement : The Portland Cement shall be one of the recognized standard brands of cement, and shall be subject to the tests ado#d by the American Society of Testing Materials . Pyne Aggregate : The fine aggregate shall consist of broken stone or clean gravel free from loam, vegetable matter and other forge in substance . Coarse Aggregate : The coarse aggregate shall consist of broken stone or clean gravel free from dust, dirt, shale , slate , or other forl!e in matter, and shall be uniformly graded from one fourth inch to one and one half inches in largest dimensions . Proportions % Unless otherwise specified, all concrete shall be mixed in the proportion of one part portland cement, tv;o ;parts sand, and four Parts broken stone . The materials shall be measured in a box of known dimensions . One bag of cement shall be taken as one cubic foot. Mixing ; The ingredients of the concrete shall be thoroughly mixed dry, ishen sufficient crater shall be added to ggive the desired consistency, the mixing shall then be continued until the materials are uniformly dis- tributed and each particle of the aggregate is t-_ieroue.hly covered with the eemsnt mortar. The mixture produced must ba a concrete of uniform color and consistency, and the concrete shall. be sufficiently vret when placed that it will flush readily until light tamping, but uhich can be handled without causing the larger particles to separate from the morter. Retama- ing or morter or of Concrete Trill not be emitted. Concrete Curb: Shall be 6" on tap , 7 at the base, and of such depth as specified under each separate order or resolution . Forms shall be of well seasoned tyro inch material true and straight. They must be set true to line and grade and leave no appreciable saga or bulges in the curb. The base of the curb shall be composed of the concrete as specified above , the face mixture or topping shall be composed of two parts portland cement to three parts sand, and shall be of a uniform thickness of 3/411 . After the surface mixture has been tamped well, it shall be trowelled dorm to a true and even surface . The face of the curb next to the Futter shall shmv a morter face from the top to the Ezutter line , mid said face to be made by spading the aggregate back from the forms so as to ].save only morter exposed . MICROFILM& DATE pCr d REE( a :• . . _ , '..Wane' J.'.�ly ir,1l Lo � '.:"�l� Ei1J • ,iU'; SA ,:O '_CWGti10 Of :ot 1^33 filen 17r'' nor YGS'C than V ' by means of metal forms or spaces . No surfacing shall be done s.Yth shaping shoes ' nor shall the face of any curb be plastered. Should any CUA devirte from the true line or grade , it shall be condemned. COncrate Gutteras Shall be built along the line o£ each curb to the ?_duh of three and one half feet$ unloss otherwise spedified. After the aubgrade has been thoroughly compacted, a layer of cinders shall be placed thereon and vzll tamped$ the cinders to be four inches deep after tamping. The base of the gutter shall be (♦Qu after being ta:aped and shall be composed of the concrete as above specified. The face mixture of topping shall be of a uniform thickness of 3/4 inch and shall be composed of 2 parts port-land cement to 3 parts sand . Face mixtures shall be spread on a uniform thickness of 3/4 inch and shall be composed of two parte . portlend cement to three parts send , Face mix_ tures shall 1.)c spread on a uniform thickness, and then leveled off mi a straight edge to conform to the grade . After it has set enough to be shallworke it shall be trowelled or brush iYn`ished$ as required . Gutters shall be blocked off into sections to conform to the curbing. All curbs and gutters shall be built in the lines and grades as establishedor may be established by the Cit;;. Sec. 3. That this Ordinance be in force and effect from and after its passace $ approval$ and publication and all ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed and approved July 8$ 1915.