HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 347 9347 ORDINATICL' 'I0. 347 . All ORDINANCE TO AUMOFI'ZIr THP; C%r1r1RUCTIO?1 OF ABUILDIPTM OR DUII,DIP?CS TO B:; USED AS A MMM Ii0:91; 02 AI?I::X TO TIS CITY HOSPITAL Of! TH : PROP?nmv ;T 147D BY VIE CITY OI' FAY"TT37IT.T,. A'Ii) US^D AS A IIOS7. 1'PA.I. SITS . BE IT ORDAIMD BY THE CITY ColiM ri OF FAYrTT VIi jR, AREVSA; ; Sec . 1. That the trustees of the City Hospital are hereby. grantad their right pa=ar and authority to construct and erect a nurcas home or ann=t to the City Hospital on the real estate owned by the said and used as City Hospital site., at such place on said property as in their judgwnt may seem best. Sea. 2 . That this ordinance be in force and effect from and after its4 passage, approval., and publication and all ordinances or parts thereof in conflict hareuith be and the same are hereby lepacled. Passed and approved June 4. 1915. M1CR�� wt DPAEI gEEI�