HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 346 AN ORDINANCr TO FIX THE RATS TO M C(if,_T?CED :�C;, b' ;ircT LIOHa3 Ii11ia i �PSD TO THE CITY OF FAYETTWILLR9 ARKANSAS BY Till FAYETTsNILij GAS A°TD '3LFCTRIC COMPANY AMD PROVIDING FOR TIG tSINI4AUTA RJIibMER OF LIGHTS TO BE FURRISIED9 ARID FM OTHM PUiPOSr BE IT ORDAIRM BY THE COURICIL OF TIC CITY OF FAV-41 RVILLI;9 ARKAI?SAS : Seo. 1. The charge for street lights furnished to the Said City by the Fayetteville Gas and Electric Compary shall be as follows, tanit : One hundred (100) watt lights., EAl0 per mo. 60 1 . 10 40 IT ° • 90 All lights to burn from dusk until taxlve O ' clock midnight on a moon light schedule rdth the exception of the lights and ornamental poles around thz public square and the three ornamental poles on Dickson Street which are to burn from dusts until tanlve o' clock midnight every night. Sec. 2. The minimum number of lights to be used by the said City of Fayetteville under the terms of this ordinance shall be as follows., touit : 142 lights of 40 watt 65 60 ff 10 " 100 n Sec. 3. The City of Fayetteville shall have the right and the authority to increase the number of lights So furnished at Choir option at the rate herein provided. from Sec. 4. That this ordinance shall be in force and effoct for said and after June 1. 1915a by provided same is accepted in writing ye the clerk said city9 rdthiteville Gas & ndl week from aoga r of reseed ordinance, and all ordinance or parts of ordi^arses in conflict Passare of t e and the same are hereby repealed. rerdth ba: Passed and approved this 21st day of Lay., 1915. nuC- ,QFILM,D DATE_ O r Lqq REEL j 7