HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 340 ATT ORDINANCE TO GRANT TO TIE ST . LOUIS AN1D SATT FRAZICISCO RAILROAD C0.1PnTiY, ITS SUCCESSORS, T.rSSMS , AND A^SIG"IS , TO COTTSTRIICT, L;A.IT;TAIr? , AM) OP'?!1AT? A RAILROAD TRACK OVRR, ACROSS 011) UPON A. PORTION OF Mnrm F,,BST SMMET, IN THE CITY OF FAYETTrVILT. , ARK . : M IT ORDAME) BY THE CIT'L COUNCIL OF FAY'XTTrVIIA.B , ARK. : Sec . 1. That the St. Louis . and San Francisco Railroad Company, its succescors , lessees - and assigns is hereby granted the right and authority to construct, maintain and operate a railroad track upon a portion of north Feast Street, in the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas upon the location described as follows : Said track will extend in a northeasterly and soutin.estarly direction across said north best Street in a distance of 39 feet from a point about 160 feet northerly, measured along the west line of said north Gest Street from the north line of Dickson Street of said City of Fayetteville, to a point about 182 . 6 feet northerly measured along the east line of said West Street from the north line of. Dickson Street aforesaid. Sec . 2 . That slid Railroad Company in consideration of the right of way herein set forth agrees and is hereby required to construct and main- tain said track in such a manner not to impede tha usual travel on said street and further, that said Company shall at its own expense, make all proper and suitable crossings on said part of, said street over which said track will pass and to perform all necessary 1.^bor to Wake tho grade to conform with the grade of said railway crossing. Sec . 3. l.ork of placing said track across the said Viest Street shall not commence until a permit is issued to said. Railway Company to do so, signed by the 11ayor and Chairman of the Street Committee of the said City of Fayetteville . Sec . 4. That this ordinance ba in force and effect from and after its passage , approval, and publication, and all ordinances or parte thereof in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed and approved Dec. 182 1914. MICROFILMA DATES 1976 RfFL�