HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 337 ORDYFIATICE NO, 337 AN ORJ)ITIANCE TO CR'?AT; T::a OFFICE OF Clef. Ef„?C;RICIAN, DEFINING HIS DUTIES, -FIXING HI^ COUPET'cATI011, P20UIDIAIC FOR HIS: J&POINT WT, AND T'?r.'UR? IiJ OFFICE A11D PRWIDING A PE'IALTY FOR S'Ir3 VIOLATION OF THIS ORDIHATICE . BE IT ORD,`S11ED BY Mi CITY COPCIL OF FAY3TDWILf,E, AT{S. : Sac . 1. Tha office Of City Electrician is haraby c:-oatsd. The offices shall La filled by appoint=-'nt of scary compotant elcetriaian by the Council ouchcppointment to continua in offica at the 1'aasura of t11a Council . See. 2. it shall ba the duty of the City blactrieian to impact and ` =;Pt all electrical airinv o? nature befora same shall ba con- roctu'% ::it:a the l:-iras of any firm or corporation furnishing olecteical c u x r. No :.iri.nrr shell be accepted by the City ^sloctrician unless sar- 2 is in full acaozdencs rith the National Underwriters Coda as regaado riving said . iacsriials . Upon tte full accoptt ;-ice of any Tjircing the City liectrician oholl at once issue his certificate to that effect, giving one copy to the , i3ei..*5bn or ti17 7i'".iI ha-•j,,!� done the 1-1iring so ac `(.opted, one to the comparlY t' .c .l< ctric, currant, sal the oth_r to ?.s filed with the City Cie._t:, to b-3 plaf.z:. i:i a Y>ca-_an::3.lt fila in his office , Sic . 3 . 'it : e_l be a violation of this Ordinance for any person or ileo, or corpc_ ation lun ishing ala ::': ical currant to concoct, or kno-.tingly allc:l Cly- Lwrson to cC:1;1Cct1' ally :_i :t_., - not . aca3pted by th> City Meetricirn uir. z o;: { he;.z% co�;;;n l It €hall also ca c violation of this or parecns tc comieet ary ::ring not accepted by the City S . cti cial With, PJrir, �1V f alre&dy in use . Sac . 4 . Airl Forao;l, persons, firm, or corporation nho chall violate any of - .he provisions of this ordinance :hall be dserz3d guilty of a mi.sdcmosnor CM upon conviction theraof shall be fliaed in any arm no4u loos *fan ten dollara , nor aiom than tv-anty ::`ivo dollars , e . 5. *The City -13ctiician shell insp: ct cul- -nixing rjk:hin t,o danrc ar b34 ng r33u33t d to do so . The iitY Fleciwioirn shall xacaive as Us coir,:an.a'�ion f::-am the jz:) .raon or firm at nhoce ins2 nca iha inspection is =da, the follmr_nc rata;, : 2-st 7.0 GutlztJ : 255 ca. 10-20 s 150 r 2C-30 n 10. r , above ,;O r. 5f n Sac , 6. Ilothiiig herain contaired shall be so corstruod a3 to saquira a CLrtificate of a::c�ptancs from the City Eleotrician lrerol'z eureant is tur4r:.:c. o'.' any % ring unloss soma chance has been made in ecn3 since corvice t•aa dia� a;11! . MiCn'OFILMED DATREEL 1978 _Z o REEL 'j