HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 333 M Ordinance Number 3 N An ordinance laying off certain territory within the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , into an improvement District for the purpose of improving Lafayette Avenue , from the East side of College Avenue to the Nest side of Olive Street ; designating the number of the district , defining the boundaries thereof and naming the same . Whereas , at a meetik(i�g of the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , held on thejoVtay of July , I9I4 , a petition signed by ten resident owners of real property within the district hereinafter described in Sec - tion I of this ordinance , was presented to said Council asking that it take steps toward the making of an improvement consisting of rolling , grading , draining and macadamizing Lafayette Avenue , from the East side of College Avenue to the West side of Olive Street , and for the construction of curbs and gutters along said part of said hafaybtte Avenue as may be more fully determined hereafter by the board of improvement of • said district . Whereas , in said petition it was futher prayed that the Council lay off a stipulated portion of said 134fayette Avenue into in improvement district for making said improvements , Now therefore be it ordained by the Council of the City of Fayettew ville , Arkansas : Section I . That the following lots , blocks , streets alleys and parcels of real estate in the City of Fayettev111e , Arkansas be and the same are hereby laid off and declared to be an improvement district within said City , to - wit : Lots I8 , I8b and I8c in Block 6 ; Lots 3 , 3a and 4a in Block 5 , Lots 3 and 4 in Block 4 , Lots 3 , 3a , 4 and 4a in Block 3 , Lots 5 , 5a and 5b in Block I0 , 1ots I and Is in Block IO , Lots I , 6 and 6a in Block 9 , Lot.s I , 6band 6b in Block 8 , Lots I and 2 in Block ? , all in the Masonic Addition to the City of Fayetteville ,Arkansas , according to the map compiled by Byrnes and lic Donald Said district being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows , to - wit : Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot I8b in Block 6 in said add- ition , thence North 94 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot I8a in said block , thence East 2I0 feet more or less to the Southeast corner of said Lot I8a , thence North 75 feet to the Northwear corner of Lot I8 in said Block 6 , thence East 210 feet more or less to the Northeast corner of Lot I8c in said Block 6 , thence South IO feet more or less to a point due West of the Northwest corner of Lot 3 in Block 5 in said Addition , thence East 350 feet more or less to the Northeast corner of Lot 4 in said Block 5 , thence South I0 feet more or less to the Northwest corner of Lot 4a in said Block 5 , thence East 102 feet more or less to the Northeast corner of said Lot 4a in said Block 5 , thence East 60 feet to a point 10 feet more or less South of the Northwest corner of Lot 3 in Block 4 in said Addition , thence Nortb IO feet more or less to the Northwest corner of said Lot 3 in Block 4 , thence East 850 feet more or less too the Northeast corner of Lot 4a in Block 3 in said Additionm - the West line of Olive Street , p1!C.I�OFiLM�.D D/i(LrCC_ 1 4L1f ( Sec . I con. ) P1 Thence South with said Test line of Olive Street 350 feet more or less to the Southeast corner of Lot 5 in Block IO in said Addition , West 208 feet more or less to the Southwest corner of Lot 5a in said Block IO , thence North 30 feet more or less to a point due East of the Southeast corner of Lot Ia in said Block IO , thence West 200 feet more or less to the Southwest corner of Lot I in said Block IO , thence Test , bearing a little North , 40 feet more or less to the Southeast corner of Lot 6 in Block 9 , thence West 390 feet more or less to the South= west corner of Lot I in said Block 9 , thence West , bearing a little South , 60 feet more or less to the Southeast corner of Lot 6b in Block 8 in said Addition , thence (lest 395 feet more or less to the Southwest corner of Lot I : n said Block 8 , thence North 25 feet more or less to a point due East of the Southeast corner of Lot . 2 in Block 7 in said Addltion , thence West 420 feet more or less to the Southwest corner of Lot I in said Block 7 , thence North , with the U st line of College Avenue I40 feet more or less to the place of beginning. Section 2 . That said district shall hereafter be xnown and des- ignated as Lafayette Avenue Improvement District Number One , of the City of Fayettevlle , Arkaneas . Section 3 . That said district is laid off for the purpose of roll = ing , grading , draining and macadamizing said part of said Lafayette Ave- nue , and for the construction of curb and gutters along said part of said Lafayette Avenue , Section 4 . That this ordinance be in force and effect from and after its passage , approval and publication , and all ordinEm es or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed . Approved ; At esttf UAYOR '" CLrkRK - MPaesed and approved thisM day of July , I9I4- -