HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 301 • t7:Ui,L , :. . .,i, IID , jUl 0h' t1 T.1^ CO'.?CRt1^.' is IT : M I !PROP' JT! Rr 'T I01 TT'—. ='C i. 'i 2O :'IPIC C':RiA T'f ^,Til^,:.;; 'I„L';D i T , is lll iICaP'.r. 2 T, ;syr +II ,m T;f' . .�i r':i.T_ :; T, J;1;Iirlrtl• .f{{._ P.,7�`'1.)L?I;i TH R70V .,' ?VI.IITir; Tri? ;, Ilii;/,ss at a r.noUn:- of the Citi' Cour.ciJ. of ilrc City of lrr -cttaville ; rkansas , held on tae 5th dcy of )ecembor, 1512, a ')ntitien si red by ten zusident orners of roal prop�rt;,r vi. thin t!.a district IrercP s£ccr described in section one of this ordinance , ivas presented to grid Council ar=kin that it take step a towards the makin{•• of an i,aprove:acnt consisting of pivinp with some modern and per.:?anent pavini• materi;_l other than raacc ;„1, the follouinF named streets , torrit : Dickson Street from the nest line of the St. Louis c S an Irancisco Coa x_ny+ s ri_;ht-oi'-v..:y to the r.Cst lira Of fire elle n, avenue ; Block Straet from Dickson Street to the rublic squaro , and i;ast .%roct from Jickson Street to the rublic square , and the puUlic sq;,aro (exce,)t he part thereof (:rr;ned by the United States C:overnment used as a Post office site ), and t. e parts of center, :.fountain, East, and Plock Streets adjanonnt to the rublic salla- re ; rnd '.. :M I;5, in said petition it was further nrayed that the Council lay of ' a stipulated portion of said street or streets into an i.mprove,r,ont di.^triol for rnakin; said improvements, P:O'.. T:1 .R.i OR': , Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Payettevillo, tskansas : Sec 1 , That the follov.inc lots, blocks , streets , caleys and cols of real estate inthe City of r'ryetteville , Arl: ,anSLS , be and the . ccae are hereby laid off and declared to Le an improveccnt district within said city, porgt ; BeCinninp at a point which is one hundred and fifteen feet east and twenty five feet north of the southwest quarter of the northeast quasber of Section 16, Townshi? 16, Horth, Ranfe thirty west, and runnin; thence north 19,5 feet ; thence east 2500 feet, mor or less, to thecest line of Co11eEe Avenue ; thence south 1105 feet, rore or less , to t: e ''outhoast corner of Lot Sa, Block 1 , Ori;incl trnm ( now city ) of Fzyetteville ; thence west 200 feet, more or less ; to an alley; thence south 395 f •et, more or less , to the north line Of Sprin_^ Street ; thence crest eighty one feet ; thence south one thousand and fifteen feet; more or less ; to the south line of 1::ountai7i Street ; thence gest 85 feet, more or less ; thence rest 270 feet, cror or less, to the West line o£ Block St; thence south 70 feet to th:. southeast corn;ar of Lot 4.t )noel: 31, Original Torn ( roc: city ) of tc:yettE ville ; hence rest one hundred fifty fent to an alley; thence north 1685 fent, mon or less , to the southeast corner of Lot 2a, e;lock 3, Oritinal torn ( nor, city ) of Payetteville; thence nest, 205 feet to the crest line of Church :street ; thence south 30 fret; more or less, to tine southeast corner of Lot 3a, subdivision of Block 4, ,iri.ti.nal torn ( nor, city ) Of Fayetteville ; thence rest three hundred ai;l *fifteen feet ; .._o:.0 or less, to the soutlnvest corner of Lot 4 in said Bloc:; 4 in original torn ( nor, city) of N;;yetteville ; thence north 50 feet, thence r+cst 360 feet, more or less , to the Southwest corner of Lot 6 in Block 5, OriCinal '1'orrn, ( nor.. city ) of :'2,mttcvillc ; thence crest 1100 feet to the wrest line of Lest Street; thence north 60 feet ; thence 260 feet west, nor or less , to the :rest line of the Ct, Louis c:nd " an MICROFILMED DATE OCT a REELL.1�� �TB Nrancisoo Aznilroad Co.::pany ' s ri . ht—of—,r:ay ; tacnce north to the place of ber nnin:- . Sec 2. That renal district s !iall hereafter be knor:n and dooiEnated as Paving improvcaent Uistr'. cc No. 1 of tho .. ;;,r of Fcyettoville; Ark. W. sac 3. That said district is laid off for the purpose of pavinC said described parts of streets with some modernand permanent pr.vin;- mrterial other than macadam, tha "o.ard of I .iorove:,iont of the distric.. shall be empowered to receive bids for -) avin� said parts of streets .ithin said district vri.th any modern and peru.ncnt pavin, matciA ;;l other than macc-dam to be laid on either concrete or crushed stone foundation . Sec . In the event that the cost of navinp said streets from curb i.im to curb line will exceed tvionCy per cont of the assessed valuation of all property in s,.id district, then it shall bs in the discretion of the ioaad of Improvesient to )ark or otherwise induce the v.iuth of the pavin ; . Sec 5 . That all ordinance or parts of ordinances in conflict uo and the samew are hereby repealed Lnd that this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and sfte . its i)assa;-e and publication.