HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 300 inn Ordinance to be entitled, °i.Pr O:L)S1 , * TO :?' ;i•IAI , 02' >rt'i,t:�� 110 . 259 , . , . .) 1'0 P.l:'TOY, ; AL , 4 r�IGH'i5 , Yv. .':iL; , ; N.) P;I ✓IL. : £, CRA-TT?I) TO A . FBA:17F A"j " iSOJIi:'F 5 13Y .";j,L) OTW.Ci 'di;3B* '1 i $1sAS, as the City Jouncil of the Jity of Falyettevillo , Arkansas did by Ordinance No . 289 passed and approved Au[- . 17 , 1911 Erant to A . Frazser and associates the riEht, p(mer, end vuthority to construct and operate a Streot car line rii. thin the limits of the City of Fayetteville, ar"kansas , and i' li'3Y.BAS, the said A. Framer :. nd associates a_)peared before the Council of tha Jity of Fayetteville, Arkansas and announced thoir intention of allor,in the franchise granted then by said ordinance 269 to forfeit, and further renounced their intention of constructin€ the said street ccr line ; V17REFOR", Be it ordmined by the Council of the Jity of I;ayetteville, Arlt : Section 1 . T'ict all ril-lits , powers , and privikms granted to the said tim A . Frazser and Associates by Ordinance 289 be and the same are hereby revoked, and the said Ordinance 239 be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 2 . That this ordinance shall tale effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication and all or,linances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance be and the same are hereby re0ealed. �®4 X918 ' DATE_,._ R