HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 299 %% ORJh !G ' i.0 . 299 iid Cit.;),I?dr•?IC;; L .YII}C 0}rI U ;PHT1Tt T'II'2IV.HY i •ITIII" TY? CO3PO:ZL 'f'j LI 'I ;^ ,�t T,i , JIrY o 1, PYr :TT'- J_LI • : , . . 'Z!:r,' !^; ^ , I7T' "TI'cC :;" " i C'i ', _'ILC TA"!ZMF J 'D Li7'IG Tif" " at a meetin,_ of the .Jity Oouncil of the 0ity of 1 'ayettevi. 11:;, ,-r!cansas on the 5th :iay of r_urust, 1912 , a petition sicneri by ton resident ouners of real property v:ithi.n the district hercim,f'ter do ;;cribod. in Section 1 of this ordinonce , i,as )resented to sci.d Council askic,- that it take steps L' o-,rard the niddnt- of an i;,aprovecent consistin of nFavinv,ith vetrified paving brick blocks as horeinaftor set forth a:ncl descril od the folim.,iniv '::teed streets to it : Dickson Street from the ti:ost line of tile St. Louis 2nd "am Francisco .1;11-road ;o;:: wmyvs rivint-of-r• ay to the nest line of . :illor Street ; Block :;trent from Acknon Street to the rubl.ic Square and East street from Dickson Street to the i'ublic fiquare and who Public Square (exccat t:!c� .)art thereof o; ped by thz United t '•tatcs rovern:x^t used . .'ost Jf'fice site ) ant the: parts of Center, : :ow�to- in , I41ock, and east Streets adjacent to the r'ublic •`;quare ; and ;i.p , in said petition it was further ,rayed th; t the Council lay off a stipulated portion of said street or streets into an improvement district for :at3cing said i"alDrove:aentsi nos. therefore Bs IT OZOAI'" '.) , by the City council of the City of layetteville , firka�st.s : `lec 1 . That the follov.ing lots , blocks , treets , alleys -and parcels of real estate in the city of Fayetteville, Arkansas, be and the s -;c are hereby laid off and declared to be an improvement district within said city; tovlt : SeCi.nninr at a point which is 115 feet east and 25 feet north of the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of the northoast quarter of. (iecion 16, Tmnship 16 'forth, }Z ,nce 30 west and runnintr thence north 195 feet , f2*t thence east 3540 feet to the crest- line of billow Street ; thence south 465 feet; thence went 87- feet ; thence north 95 feet; thence vrest 1175 feet ; thence north 67 feet; thence v6west 220 feet ; thence south 25 feet ; thence west 260 feet to the niddle of a 14 foot alley; thence south 500 feet ; thence west 95 feet ; thence south 1020 feet ; thence vest 127 feet; thence 81 feet to an alley thence wast 28 feet to the east line of ::art Street; thence south 63 feet ; thence crest h00 feet ; thence north 100 feet, more or less ; to the south side of : :ountain Street ; thence east 65 feet to the northeast corner of Plock NO. 31 , of the Original Torn ( nova city) of F;_yetteville , hrk.:n..as , thence 1?orth 60 feet ; more or less ; to the southeast corner of Block No . 26 of s,,-id Ori_ Cincl Torun ; thence crest 155 feet to an alley ; thence north 1425 feet; thence rest 170 feet; more or less to the east line of Jhurch Street ; thence north to a point which is due east of the southeast corner ofLot 2 of the sub-division of nlocic 11 of the Original Tovm of Feyetteville , ..rkansas ; thence Y;est 315 feet, more or less to the east line of Locust Street; thence south to a point due east of the southeast corner of Lot 1 in the subdivision of Block 5 , Ori,:inal To„n of FafetLovillo ; t:icnce vrest 320 feet ; more or loss to the east side of Sohool Street ; thence north to a point due east of t}u; southeast corner of Lot 1 ; subdivision of ::lock 6; thence west 160 feet ; thence south 30 foot; thence MICR DATE 4' • RE9 Sa33L ?, ,:eo^ '; . :oio or bossy to to ,. iine o . .asi. E '6P% cc, t , -e"0 r llo. U- to F. pointduoeast of the: sou'. ?.zast corner of Lot la sutrlivision of Block 7 ; thence :rest 250 feat, morn or hss ; to the crest line of the St. L . °c S . F. R. a. Co . richt-of-way; thence north to the place of ba znningo Section 2 . That said district shall hc= after be knor•,n and dssi mated as Public Squre Paving Improvei=t Jisti�Ict No. of the City of Fayetteville , Arkensas . Section 3 . That said District is laid off for the , ur-)ose of OF%rinfr said descsi.bed parts of streets c,ith bas;; number on: renr<?sacd tootrified paving brick blocks ; guaranteed to not loose. more than 20 oer cent of their weight when subjected to "Hattler Test" , adopted by the ?J<.tional PavinC Brick association Janufacturers i.ssociation, known as "1901 itattlor Test" , and not to absorb more than 3 per cent of their weiCht when placed in w.- ter for 40 hours , brick to be laid on either 4 inch Portland cement foundation or 5 inch crushed rock foundation; brick to be filled by cement Crout of sand. Said improvement shall be made in such a manner and to the extent herein- after to be more fully designated and detenAned by the majority in value of the owners of reel property within such district. Section 4. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict hera- taith be and the same are hereby repealed and that this ordinance shall take effect and ba in force from and after its passage , approval, and publication. Passed acid approved this 15th day of Au;. . , 1912