HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 294 \ada RDINANCE N0 . 294 . An OTo Establish The/Office of Bateriologist For The City of Fayetteville . - kansas ; and define his d ties . Be Ied the Council of the ity of Fayetteville , Ar k . /Se + ( terio gist for the Ci of Fayetteville , Arkansas mustaduate f a reputable medical college and have a fair knowled of bacteriology . : be a membe ex- o ficin of the Board of Health ; he mustthe city wa r nce each month , submitting a 1written report of same to a Board of Health ; it shall also be �a his duty to have tha wat led areas adjacent to the pumping stations inspected twie eackl\yet� re SQL � SI/ c . 3 . The City Bacteriologist have all dairy herds , dairy barns and the metho of handlilk inspected onve each month making a report o condition ; to e Board of Health of all such dairies sup ying milk to the citizens of Fayetteville , Arkansas . All d iry herds supplyingilk to the citizens 4f Fayetteville , kansas , must be tube 3uline tested at such times as in t e judgment of the City acteriologist such test is necessary for the protection of th health of the people of this city . Sec . 4 . A11 berculine tests shall be mad under the supervision of the C • y Bacteriologest , but the exile se of such tests must be borne by the several owners of the her s so tested . There shall b made monthly inspection by the s nitary police , acting under a supervision of the City Bacteri logist , of all slaughter pens , eat markets , bakeries and ice cre factories . All un- sanit y conditions found about any of the above enumerated place shall be reported to the Board of Halth. Sec . 5 . The salary of the City Bacteriologist shall be $450 . 00 per ear , payable monthly . Sec . 6 . That this ordinance shall be in fort June 1st , 1912 , after pass a and publication and all ordinance or parts of ordinances in c flict hwerewith , be and the same a hereby repealed . APPROVED H . Sour , ATTEST : - Loy Bishop , Acting Mayor . Clerk . 5 - / lam - l9 / � i 3 � M:C1Q."s CCT a . DAYL�-