HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 293 ORDINANCE N09 293 . An Ordinance To Regulate The manner in which Stables , Barnes and inclosures wherein horses , cattle or fowls are kept in the City of Fayette - ville , Arkansas . Be It Ordained By the Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . Se 1 . That all stables , yards and inclosurers where horses , cattle or fowls are kept in the City of Fayetteville , Ark. , shall be kept / free from filth and dirt . All manure when removed from the stalls of barns and stables t�0 must be collected and kept dry in bins completely inclosed , bottom top and sides , and from the lst . day of April until the 1st , day of November , of each year , must be kept constahtly screened from files GSec . 3 . All manure bins shall be entirely emptied and thoroughly cleaned at least once per month . Sec . 4 . That upon the complaint of any person to the Sanitary Police or the Chief of Police of if either of them shall have reasonable grounds to believe that any person is violating any provisions of this ordinance , it shall become the duty of the Sanitary Police or 0 the Chief of Police to at once inspect the premises of such owner or ovnapant , and if the stable , yard or inclosure of such premises are in a filthy and unsanitary condition , it shall be his duty to report the same to the Police Judge of said City , who shall issue a notice 66 the owner or occupant of house to have the same abatted Sec . 5 . If the oi:mer or occupant fails or refuses to abate the same within five days after such notice shall have been served , then it shall be the duty of the Sanitary Police or the Chief of Police to have the same abated at the expense of the owner or occupant thereo Sec . 6 . Any person failing or refusing to comply with the provisions of this ordinance after having received said notiee give days in advance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not exceeding Twenty five dollars and each day said stables , yards or onclosurers are kept in an filthy and unsanitary condition shall constitute a separate offense . Sec . 7 . Th .tv ordinance shall be in full force and effect 15 days after its passage -end=Tiiblieation and that all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith eke and the same are hereby repealed . APPROzTED : - W . H . Rollins , Mayor . ATT - T Loy Bishop , Clerk , I � DA;e t c� LiJ