HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 277 S ORDINANCE N0 , 277 , AN ORDINANCE TO REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION OF SIDYNALKS AND CURBS ON EAST SIDE OF CHURCH STREET FROM ROCK STREET TO SOUTH STREET , Be It Ordained By The City Council , of the City of Fayetteville , ,Arkaneas : Sec . 1 . That the owner or owners of any property abutting on the East side of Church Street between Rock Street and South Street , be they are hereby required to construct concrete sidewalks and curbs in front of their respective properties along said Church Street within thirty days after the passage and publication of this ordinance , and the services of notices as herein required . Sec . 2 . That said sidewalks shall be constructed in the manner and of the material required by the existing Ordinance of this City . That the sidewalks shall be four feet wide exclusive of the curb , and shall be laid one foot from the property line out the required width . All curbs shall be four inches thick and of concrete , set as required by the existing City Ordinance , the said curb shall be not less than fourteen inches in depth , and not more than twenty . Sec . 3 . That said sidewalks shall be constructed upon the grade here tofore established or hereafter to be established on said street and shall be well built and carefully maintained , according to rules and regulations heretofore prescribed br that may hereafter be prescribed by the City Council , and subject to the approval of the inspector of sidewalks , or the person duly authorized for the time being to act as such , Sec . 4 . That any person required by the provision of this Ordinance to construct any sidewalk or curb along East side of Church street' from Rock Street to South Street and who after due notice of the requirements herein made shall fail , or refuse for a period of thirty days to comply with the terms of this ordinance , shall be guilty of a misdeameanor . and upon conviction thereof , shall be punished as provided in Ordinance No . 236 , approved a (� MICROFlLM® DATE�.4�= REti � 277— Condt . June 12 , 1908 , and it is hereby made the duty of the Inspector of Sidewalks or the person for the time being , acting as such , to serve the notice here in required and in case of any failure to comply with the requirements of this ordinance for a period of thirty days after receiving required notice , it is hereby made the duty of such Inspector of sidewalks to promptly file information against such offender with the Police Judge . Sec . 5 . That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from its passage and publication . Passed and approved May 12 , 1910 . APPROVED MAYOR , ATTEST CITY CLERK .