HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 271 J ORDINANCE N0 . 271 . AN ORDINANCE LEVYING ASSESSMENTS ON THE SEVERAL BLOCKS , LOTS AND PARCELS OF REAL PROPERTY IN " WEST MOUNTAIN STREET IMPROVE. MENT DISTRICT N0 , ONE OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVIILLE , ARKANSAS , " and FOR THE COST OF THE IMPROVEMENT PROPOSED FOR SAID DISTRICT , AND ASHESS114G UPON THE REAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE LIMITS OF SAID DISTRICT , THE AMOUNT OF SAID COST . WHEREAS , The majority in value of the owners of real property kaxxakxst which is adjoining the locality to be affected and situated in " West Mountain Street Improvement District No . One , of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas,'" organized for the purpose of mac. adamizing said West Mountain Street from Block Street to South School Street , ( the south half of Blocks 24 , 25 and 26 and the north half of Blocks 31 , 32 and 33 of the Original Survey and Plat of said City and West Mountain Street from Block Street to School Street having been des. ignated , as " West Mountain Street Improvement District No . One , of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , " ) have petitioned the Council of the said City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , for making said imrpovement and praying that said South Mountain Street be macadamized with stone and gravel and that the cost of such improvements be assessed and charged upon the real property situated in said Improvement District , according to the benefits to be received Ey said real property from such improvement ; and WHEREAS , said benefits received by each and every B1ock ,LSt and parcel of real property situated in said district equals or exceeds the local assessment thereon ; and WHEREAS , the estimated cost of said improvement is Eighteen Hundred ( $1800 . 00 ) Dollars ; THEREFORE , It is now ordained by the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , that said several blocks , lots and parcels of real property in said district be assessed ficcordirg to the assessment list for said improvement district as the some now apperirs in the office of the City Clerk , and that "twenty five per centum on each of said blocks , i 1 MICROFOI T isle 9 r DATE 271 — Contd . lots and parcels shall be paid annually , on or before tjLe 15th . day of January until the whole of said local assessment shall be paid . And said local assessment shall be a, charge and a lien against all the real pro_ perty in said district from the date of this ordinance and shall be en.- titled n_titled to preference over all judgments , executions , incumbrances or liens whensoever created , and shall continue until such local assessment with any penalty and costs that may accure thereon shall be paid.. It is further ordained that this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication . f Passed and adopted the 2nd , day of December , 1909 . r APPROVED : — MAYOR . 4 .ATTEST ITY CLERK . ` i