HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 268 PaIrC" ';O . 261 c• A1: 0JL !? ' fc ' ' • tryGJ �. ,. TO J ;':iT '.UCT A'd.1 : 'i;L ' !'S ' 'i j" :L. . a l ., I .,: 1,!{- , a 0 ' t• . !:. : L b1-.v ;'tI'3+IILLr i IT O!UAI lBJ 13Y VF ; CITY C'J" .M' OF I Y"TT'•"VIT,i: ; 'ib:; Section 1, Thr: t the Oxford Teleihone :;anufacturinF Car,pany , a cor3oru.tiott duly organiz.cd under the lags of the Rtate of ,rkensas is hereby authorized to construct, operate and maintain a telephone s ,rsteal in the Jity of Zclyetteville for a period of tt•.enty-five years fran the date of titi.s ordinm•nes , Section 2. That the Paid Oxford Tele .lhone "anufncturi. nfr Cora?any i;; hereby authorized to enter any street, a.E.ley, road, avenue , ;public squire , or hi.Cit„ ay oelonginp to or under the control of the Jity of Fayetteville for the purpose of ditchinE, for underf•round cables or of erectinfr its e)ole ^ , vires, Cuy :, ires and a:ll other a) pliances rand c�vices necessary in the exer- cise of the privileCe hereby conferred . FOr consideration in F.r ,ntinr the franchise the Oxford Telephone Com:x-.ny agrees to put the streets rand alleYs in the sane condition as they found thein . fAll poles ti:hich may be erected in the streets bythe said co.,ammy shall be set at the outer ed ;_e of the sider.all:, and al]. poles thich m;:y be set in the alleys Mill be set a:* one side . ?Jo pole shall i.e pl; .ced so as to obstruct travel , nor in such 1:ay as to obstruct the entrance to any ;. ate or building. "ection 3 . That the said Oxford Telephone lranufaeLti.nr Company shall place its underground cables , poles , Ydres , or }ruy „irec in such places and in such manner as not to interfere t:ith the poles and wires of any tele - phone catmanye or electric lie-at com!)anr now u?on city property of the City . of hayettevi..11e . Section k. The franchise and orivileFes hereby (-ranted to the said Oxford Telephone :Aanufacturin}; 'o rpan r are on the express condition that the said coiroany, its successors and assii;rs , sital.l comply rith t.ltc terror, of this ordinance r_nd shall bef..in ,sctua7. construction by the first d :y ,of September, ninetoen hundred and ten, and shrll therea.fuex. maintain the same in 1=ood condition, and shall furnish all reas:om ble telephone facilities to the citi ;;ons of the City of Peyotteville , A._kann; es . °aid compriny agrees to furnish free service to .'.9ryor, isolice Jud :e Chief, and Assistant Jhief of Police and Dire Stations . Section 5. That this ordinance shall be in force and effect from and af'te'r its passa,-e and publication . , Passed and a,iproved this 30t;i day of Sept. IV)y. MICROFILMED { DATE 4 1978 REEL 1