HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 266 OIvJ 111.1? ? 1,10 . 266 AN ORD1`11,"C" R".. 'I°ITd' T :Ii 0O1:STi2UCTi^" Ol' SIO1 ..i:I,1C TO i,3 ,i. P?0:" Iif M' C)TfTVIP.i VF. ORIUT•Ui, PU11113 . .,11i; ?7 ITi T:'L'; CITY qll F; Y' 27•I'CVII,L". , :,.TiD FOR OTrC1R 1111 J" .C . BE IT OHOAITTRD BY T• . CITY ( 011' IfM , 01' Section 1 . That the oxner 'or ov,ners respectively of any orooerty on the Soutli side of Block Sixteen , abuttini- on tivo ?forth side of Canter "treet and on the. .saslv side of Llock 'Nenty Six abutting on the west side of ?:lock Street and on the Glorth side of Uoc1¢ Thirty, abutting on the South side of iaounL An Street and on the '.vest side of T?loolc 'Twenty Ucht, abutting on the oast side of East Street fronting on Block Twenty Seven, commonly known as the "r'ublic .:qua:re " be and they are hereby required, within thirty dc•ys , fru:,, the 2assa�e of thi : •s ordinance and of notice 3icreof, to construct sid" walks, cuxbc; , arca ,:,uttere in front of said described property . ;section 2 . That said eidev. alks and curbs shall be constructed in the manner and of the mijteriul required by the existinil Ordinances of thin City, and that on the north side of ia.ock Thirty fronting on the south side of _.ountain ".•treet shall be tv+elve feet wide extending from the property line and incladin;- curb. That abutting• on the east side of :]ast Street , the nortil side of Center Street and the west side of 3?lock ?treat shall conform in v,idth to tl )at of e>dstin,- concrete sidewalks heretofore constructed in front o ::aid Blocks respecively. The gutters herein required sh<;11 ba three feet in vvidth constructed of concrete as in case ofsidevralks , :exccpt tlw.t instead of laying tho concrete on four inches of cinders , it shall be lid on four inches of crushed stone , thorou=hly tamped or in lieu thereof the concrete of charts and cement shall be ei, h.t inches thick and v.henever practicable the said gutters shall be constructed solidly with the curb . Section 3. That se: id sidor.elks shell be constructed upon the grade heretofore established or that may hereafter be eatabl.ishod on said ^treets respectively.. and they shall be well built and carefully maintained in accordance v:ith the Rules and Specifications heretofore prescribed or thz::t may hereafter be pres ;:r bed by ', :. soLttion or Ordinance of the amity Council and subject to the aaproval of the Insxctor of "idev:�lks .or of the •.)arson duly authorized for the ti:ae beinc to act as such. ?rovided, 'that all con. creta sidewalks in front of the property included in this order that . are in a ood stale of repair, th. L have Uecn properly construoted on :";stablished grade * prior to the passage of this Ordinance and th+: t are of Lhe v.idtii required herein shall , u ;on the approval of the Inspector of Sidev.clks be accepted ,.s co.eplyinF v,ith the requirements of this Ordinance . :lection 4 . That any person required by the provision of this Ordinance to .construct any side-,.alk, curb, or Futter rho , . after due notice , shall fail or refuse to do so for a period .of thirty days sball be Lruilty of a ::dsdcm., 0nor and upon conviction thereof sh.11 :oo pu'ulish:d as provided in Ordina ace ' :o. 236, ep moved June 12, 1yOL. MICROS M®. Ordinance Mo . 2(J), Cont. ;lection > . It is hereby spade the duty of the Inspc�,; tor of Sidev+alks to serve notice of the r-o(p.ire.ments of thio Ordinance upon the property or,ners l�:) rein nar,:ed a-r1 to nro.antly file in± ormati.on ri. th the ?oli.ce Jud,-. at ainst r1l pes•sons fAlinl- or ralu inr- to co:aply therev-vith -vidthin said ;period of thi.rt;T days as hdrein reyutred.. Section G . That this Ordinance sh:..11 take effect aml be in force from rind after its passaFa and publication. Passed �.nd Approved jLu;. . 27 , 1109 . ,