HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 265 UP.IiIPIA1dCC '?0 . 265 AN OZ7Ir'P.t.rCR TO ` i n nLC r et i "! n m7gf::, i T.'1i.! V S r.'t IR'. Ti1` ,.0 TR!.:C .t0" M R , ., . L 0_ . ID 11!!J C11S2ES OJJ ffil; "IORTH Apo) c7TrTn "T:) F OF i)I' K."0 ; STR= FRO'" OT,! ."r'; AV;;rnt? TO :.3:,T STREET, AA-FD FOa i)9'1L''•t i"JRPO^ `iS . BE IT OED/; I ':�D PY�VE CITY COWK; IL OF RAY';:T'1'.:VILL'.; , ARKA '•'`:i�': Section 1 . Than the o •.ner or owners of all or any prooerty abuttin;; on Dickson Street 16tv:een colldfe Avenue ana „est Street be , rod they are hereby regLiired to construct or reconstruct concrete sidewalks and curbs in front of their respective properties along; said Jickson 5troet within thirty days from the passage and publication of this Ordinance . and the service of notice as herein required. Section 2 . That said sidewalks shall be constructed in the manner arni of the material required by existing ordinances of this City. That all sidev:alks on the north side of Jickson Street s: :all be eight feet v.i.de exclusive of the curb and shall be laid fro:a the property line out the required width. That all walks on the South side of Jigksson Street shall Lo six feet v=ide extend— ing from the property line out tiro required r.2dth. The curbs on the South side oiDickson Street shall bo ;;et some distance from the pronertr li e as is herein required for curbs on the north side of said Street ; except on the south side of '_,lock 2, v.here they shrill be set in line with, the curbs east and west of said I:lock. tll curbs alonf srid street shall ':,e of concrete , sot and batted as required by exisint City Ordinances%, curbs attached to eclks shall be four inches t4i.ck and curbs detached from i:alks shall We six inches thick. The said curbs shall be not less than fourteen inches in depth from ColleFo Avenue to i?il-hland Avenue on the worth. side of said `? traet and the same death on the South side of srid Street, from Jollege ~.venue to :last Street. The curbs on either side may be increased to such depth as may be approved by the Inspector of Sidewalks to not excecdin;^ two feet at 1'aest Street. Section 3 . . That said sidev.alks and curbs shall be constructed upon the grede heretofore established or hereafte_ to be established on said Street and shall be well built and carefully maintained; accord:i.n1 to rtLl s and re Cu. lations heretofore prescribed or thiit may be hereafter prescribed by the Oity ouncil and subject to the approval of the Inspector of Sidewalks, or the person duly aut, iorized for the time being: to act as such. Section !l. That any person required by the provisions of t'Lis Ordinance to construct or reconstruct any sidev.alk or curb nlon[ either side of acid Jickson and v4ho afte , due notice of the requirements herein uado shall fail or r'eiuse for a ,period o � t:Lirty days to comply therewith shall be guilty of a Lisdeaeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punis !rod es provided in Ordinr. nce ''o . 236, approved June 12, 1905 , rod it is hereby made Vie duty of the Inspector of Sidewalks or the person for the time beim•, actin; as such, to . serve the notice herein required and in case of any feilure to co<:L)ly with tine require;lents of this :)r(linance for a peri od of thirty days after receivinF r.:quired notice , it is iicre:,y made the duty of such Ins-)actor of side:,clks to 1)160 .y0tl7 file informs ion L; ;Cdnst suc , offender vita tho olice Jud e . Passed and apuroved Auj-. 27 , 1509 hniC.:OFILMFD DATE OCT 4 1978 '. REEL 2