HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 261 Oruinance i' o . 261 . # 11 t:n ordinance to regulate the running of public i hacks and other veiicles in tr.e City of Fayetteville , Ark . Be it ordained by the City C until cf' the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , Sec . ]. . Bach . und every public hackney , coach , czrriage , surrey or other vehicle used for the transportation of pas - sengers for 'lire within the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville , shall be deemed to be public hacks , Each and every such public hack .shall have a public stand to be designatea byt1} e Streea Com1_iissioner , subject to the ap = provaI4 k, f the! City . C;puncil , and tt shall be unlr,.vrf`rl to have 9 such public hacks 'standing else ,zhe . eon the public streets .of the said City of Fayetteville , when not e-: , ; loyed . Sec . 2 "!Igen any such public hack is on a public stand j and - une_i ,) loyedrs; tare driver of t1* 1 , 6gsame upon ap , licit. ion being mace to him shall receive any person or persons as passengers , and trans ,;ort then and their hand - baggage to or from any glace witran the City limits a : desired . The fare carrying a si .;gle p. ssenger shall not exceed the sum of tverity five ( 25$ ) cents to Rates for haulin, trunks or other r.c, EEage shall not exceed ti^enty five cents to any part of the City and these rates shall be ke _ t plainly posted on a lDl:. card in tact . jublic i ,ack . 5ec . 3 . In case any person or persons shall desire to use any yjublic hack for an indefinite :eriod by the hour , where no bargain is made , the rate shall not exc .. ed the sum of .: one dollar per hour . Sec . 4 . Piny person violating any of the ,)rovisions of this Ordinance shall be . unished by a fine of not less MICRO 0 Ordinance No . 261 than Five dollars and not exceeding Fifteen dollars ; and shall stand cortii:itted until such fine and costs ar:e paid . Sec 0 5 . Y.ny hereon who shall employ or use any ,.ublic hacl: and shall silfully refuse to pay therefor the established rate of carriage , shall be dee.-ied guilty of a misdemeanor , snd u ,: on conviction thereof in the Police Court shall b :; fined in any sur:. not exceeding tc ,-i dollars , and shall stand cc.raiitted until such lino and costs are n paid . a Sec . 6 . Any drivor of any public hack alio shall t t : isre , resent to any parson the la:: iui rate he is entitled to charge , shall be deemed guilty of a misde:aeanor , and upon ce :iviction in the Police Court shall be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than fifteen dollars and shall stand commfitted until such fine and costs are paid . Seu . 7 . The ,,rovisions of this Ordinance shall net apply to cabs , carriages , or other turnouts sent from any livery stable on special order . Sec . S . All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances ; in conf .aict heree; ith are hereby repealed , andthis Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after it : \, passage acid publication , Pac, sed and ap _•roved this July 22 , 1SOS . Attest : - goy Bishop , City Clerk . 7 . H Hmllins , : ' ayor . r s , \