HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 260 Ordinance : o . 260 . An Ordinance defining tLe powers and duties of the Police i Jude in certain cases and for other n rposes . t Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , .rkansa . . . i Sec . 1 . That whenever ony fire , perialty or forfeiture shall r rf/A be i:. ,.josed by the Police Judge for a violation of any of the City Ordinances or other ratter 0lythingNrithin the jurisdic - tionof the said Court it shall be the 1ut :; of the Police Judge to nape out a commitment forthwith , for the person against l om the same may have been irao :> ed stating therein the a.iourit of : uch fine , penalty of forfeiture , together .eith the costs and deliver such commitiment to the Chief of Police or f: is authorized deputy and Make an entry of the same upon his docket , Jec . 2 . he Policc Judge is hereby expressly forbidden to collect & ny fines , penaltier. or forfeitures , except through the Chief of Police and the Cliief of Police is hereby ex- pressly prohibits : frort' tnrning over, to any per :Ion .whatsoever to collect any fine , penalty or forfeiture . specified i .i any commitment that may come into his hands in person or, through his authorized Deputy , nor shall the Chief ofPolice or any other person collect or atte-ipt to collect. any fine , penalty or forfeiture except as may be specified in a com - mitr:.ent ; n his hands from the Police Judge . Sec . 3 . The Police Judge is hereby required to make a monthly report under oath to the City Council to be sub - mi t ted ub -nit. ted at ti. e fire t , e alar iaeeting in each ionth showing all cases brought bcfore the Police Court during the precJd - r ing -'.orith , stating the date , the : lame of the offender , offenm M1CkOi1LMED. t Ordinance ilo . 260 . 1 q 'rF L r committed , the amount of the fines , penalties , forfeitures I and k . costs , vihether paid or un;;aid , 1xhether com:"litted to jail or sentenced to labor as provided by I ; Sec . 4 . It shall be the duty of the Police Judge at the � end of each vaeek to turn overto the City Treasurer the a-.ount of all fines , penalties , forfeitures and costs , that have i come into his hands during such :•;eek and take the recei ,) t of such Treasurer for the same which receipt shall be sub - mitted to the City Council in connection with the monthly report ro uired in the preceding Section . 6ec . 5 . The Police Judge is hereby required to give bond to the City with securities to be at; proved by the City Council in the sum of One thousand dollars for the faithful performance of his duties as Police Judge and that he will prom,) tly account for andpay into the City Treasury all ;coneys , coming into his hands from fines , forfeitures , pon al ties and w sts as required by the Statutes of the State and the Ordinances of this City . Sec . 6 . In addition to the iability incurred upon his bond a violation of any of the )revisions- of this Ordi - n,,nce or neglect or disreg , rd of any of the duties herein rade i , ,cumbent upon him shall be deemed a misdemeanor in office upon the part of the Police Judge for which he shall be liable to impeachment and removal from office . 11 ec . 7 . That all Crdinances and parts of Ordinances so fur , s they mayconflict with the i)rovisions of this Or - din.-Ince are hereby repealdd and this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passaCe and publi - cation . ° 2 Pi; �S D l::iD I,PPRO ' LD JULY x , 1909 <..nd published in the F<. yette - F `b ville Daily , July 15 , 1901 . Yl�i .