HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 257 1 I • i Ordirianee• Pio . • 257 , An Ordinance to amend Ordinance No . 114 , passed and. approved Aug . 26th , 1901 , and to fix Lhe license payable by persons engag .:d in the business of rostinE bills or adver - tisements .%rithin th :. corporate iimits . of the City of Fayette - ville and for other ptrposes . BE IT ORDAIXED BY TYiE CT- TY COUNCIL OI' THE CITY OF FAYETT�- VILLE ; AR.-KA :SAS . f Section 1 . That hereafter it shall ' be unlawntl for any t)ersons to post any bill , notice , or advertisement ssithin the corporate limits of the Cityof Fayetteville , with- out fire. t having procured a license therefor from the City Clerk . section 2 : The license herein provided for shall In due and pay: . ble on the first day of July in each year and shall authorize the person paying the same to enge.ge in said business for a period of one year from the said day of July in each year fro.:_ the date of the payment of the license fee until the last d;. y of June following such payment . Section 3 . The applicant for such license shall pay to the Chief' of Police a license fee of : 1C, . 00 , a Clerk ' s fec of ', 1 . 00 end a Collector ' s fee of ;, 0 . 75 , and upon pre - sentation to the City Clerk of , a receipt from the •^hief of Police for the fee :; herein specified the City Clerk shall is sue to such person a license as herein provided . Section 4 . Any pers=on violating any of the pro - visions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a mis- ue._zeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not le :- s than :,, 5 . 00 and not more than. (, 25 . 00 for each offense . a MICROFILMED DATE Ordinance :: o . 257 . Page 2 . Provided -however , that no license shall be col - lected for the po :_ ting of official notices , charitable , religious or educational notices or for the advertisement of their own local business by persons residents of the City of Fayetteville . Section 5 . That all Ordinances and parts there - of in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed and the provisions of Ordinance Ao . 241 , approved Zept . 11th , 1908 are declared applicable to all bills posted under the provisions of this Ordinance and this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and aftor its passage and publication . Adopted June 10th , 109 . and published in . the Fayetteville Daily , June 12 , _.909 . i 1 i 1 i