HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 253 (2) ORDINATIC'% 253-113 An Ordinance to be entitled, "An Ordinance to repeal Ordinance No. 245, approved Iiov. 20, 1903 , and to revoke all the rif-hts , powers , an, l nrivile,.es , f-rnnted to J. R . h.hlefit and L . R . "oulton by the said Ordinance . " the City City Council did by Ordinance No. 2459 approved '!ov. 20, 190B , rrant to J. R. Ahlefit and l. . "oulton, the right to construct and operate a streetcar line vaithin the corporate limits of the City of ilayetteville, and it is provided in Section 19 of said Act, thrt upon the failure of the grantees , their heirs or assi.tns to comply vdth the terms and r�quire— ments of their pro?osed undert ld.nf7. vddth the geonlc of Fayetteville, Arknns , s , with reference to the deaosi.t of a certain certi.ficd check in relatie)n to the buildinC of an Interurban Gail rot.d line from S' loam 1oring-s , Arkansc,s to dindsville , Arkansas via Fayetteville , i.rkan sas , then within ninety days after such failure , the Courril of the City of Fcyettevillo , A.rkanr, aas nay at its option impose addition at Ui tatien i... on the Deriod of time in tiviai. ch this franciu.se may :,e used or :nay annul or repeal the 'aar.,o , but not othi r.nise , and li :lt 1.c." , the said ;.ialefit and Liouiton hove wholly failed to comply vri 'th said agree::ient v;ith the citizens of raietteville , and to deposit a certified check for the sun of ;x10, 000. 00 as provided in said ap;rec,aent, therefore ?31.i IT U'-U .I" a , by the amity Council of the City of Fayetteville , Grkaaisae : Section 1 . T!iat all the ri , hts , powers , a.nd privile,,es grantod to said ..hlcfit and i. oulton by said Ordinance I!o . 241)', be and the sane are hereby revoked and t.- i: t the s :id Ordina:nco PIo . 245 be ;an,! the se.me is hereby repealed . Suction 2 . That brim Ordinance shall take effect end '.;e in force fr.- Iii an:! after its pa.scar-e cnci publication. ;;aril 26, 1909 . MICROFILMED DATE OCT o REEL