HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 241 { ORDINANCE PIO , 241 , AN ORDIIdANCZ REQUIRING BILL POSTERS ETC . TO TAKE OUT LICENSE AS SUCH BILL POSTERS? REGULATING BILL BOARDS AII � PROTECTIDG ADVERTISEIaL?ITS LAFlFULLY POSTED ETC , BE IT ORDAINED BY 1THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYEi'; EVILLE , ARKANSAS . Sec . l . That the posting of any bills , notices or , advertisements of any kind whatever upon any electric light or telephone , or tclegra:nh polo within the limits of the City of Fayetteville is hereby .. ., ::sic#;ci;-ic?'-2ric i?iF4A - " d'-ir 4'-3c i?9riHF:i?=•co:- : 1 Sec . 2 . That it shall be unlawful for any person to stick or put' u )on any house , fence , wall or other place in this City , xy'y" 1 1� painted or other advertisement , bill , sign , notice or poster , or cause the same to be done without first having obtained per - mission of the owner of such house , fence , wall or other public place , including side - walks . .reeaats::,a reret:e, r :a;;are;aeto-a;; a s. Sec . 3 . That it shall be unlarful for any licensed Bili '. °Poster or other person to litter the streets , alleys or sidewalks of the City with old bills or advert isemants of any kind torn from bili JJ boards , houses , walls , fences or other places or with any unused portions of new advertisements , or to litter or smear the side - :talks with paste or other material used in posting such ad v .. r t 13CalCn t S . •cxeaxa-:c::x:::ci8of:F er*op x::#?F#ito, 2F:'-iF?ii::Fi'c:f d:iEdF:cd: is;cam Section 4 . That it shall be unlawful for any unauthorized person YToj to tear down , damage , mutilate or destroy any authorized bill GL board or any bill , poster , or advertisement legally posted within the , • limits of the City . ;a,sa:- r Y ,. ,. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . :;aa =.:s . ,, . .cx# TF .c .r .rr .c:,,-a-x::xx:b:r c ':;i-x:E:::,-??dF5F3;iPx •, 'c iF:F icic Sec . 5 . That any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be ccmed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction j I MICROFILM® DATE OCT REEL.`j4_ • # 2 l � i the police court shall be punished by a fine in any amount not exceeding ten ( 10 . 00 ) dollars , and shall stand committed until that fine and costs arc paid . =F#?;'.Fi'-isic?F-?E#:c?;-iF#iE?b?;?E####dF'.F### Sec . 6 . That the location of all bill boards erected along the � pstreets or sidewalks shall be approved by the Str .: et Ccmmissioner and any such bill board erected without such approval shall be j taken down or removed as may be directed by such commissioner . * Sec . 7 . The the Chief of Police is hereby charged generally with thc . supervision of all advertosements by bills , notices , sign or i p. poster put up by licensed bill poster or other person , and it. is , �yhereby made hi :: duty to arrest or cause to •be arrested any person violating any provisions of this ordinance , or any unauthorized person engaged in; posting bills or other advertisonents within the City limits , and to bring such person before the Police Judge for trial 'E==?F?F <;c.• •• c • s• v ¢ cr ::r •• • •• •• •t.:r.;;- :•.;}?F$ ac •c?F?. .. .. :'•iF?'r:Fi: #:' ?E?rF?'--?:::;HFi}i; Sec . 8 . That this ordinance shall take cff'eC- t and be in ford+ from and after its passage and publicat on . ?E;E;: ?a ?rrF E?FirE#?FiF?;-#?FiF . •. is?�?.°?F?F?F?2?F?:?F?E##iF#?F#?E#iE##?:?F?F::?:;:?.^F Passed and approved September 11th , 1908 . , , u