HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 240 OR DINI't:IC1. N0 . 240 . l:n Ordinance to Protect the Fire Departi? ent of the City of Fay - etteville , Arkansas . BE IT ORDi.IAED BY the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Ark : Sec . l . It shall be unlawful for any person or, t)crsons other than the regular fire:.ien or person or persons belonging to the Fire DepartMent and recoEnized as me:abers of same , to ride or atte: pt to ride upon Maj the Hose '; J lragon or Reel or any similar thing belonging to the said i � Departnont when said Fire Department shall be responding to a fire alarm . No pervon or persons other than me;nbers of the Department shall roe _ or unreel any Bose , or molest any Fire Hydrant , or in any manner molest or interfere with the Department while in the discharge of tt:eir duty , or molest any Hose Connections , while the said Department is engaged at a fire or responding to an Alarm , Pro - vided , this Ordinance shall not apply to any person or persons who shall be reque :, ted by the Chief of the Pire Department to render such assistance Sec . 2 . Any person violating this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty oof a '.1isdemeanor , and upon conviction shall. be fined in any sum not A ' i less than Five 05 . 00 ) Dollars , nor :pore than 1 enty - five ( P25 . 00 ) Dollars for each offense . F.ec . 3 . All Ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed , and this Ordinance shall take effect on and after it ,, pas - \ sage and publication , i PASSED AND APPROVED TF, IS 4th Day of September , 1908 , Signed , C . r • 1blulholland . Attest : l.;ayor . F . lt . ';; ikon , / Clerk . ii iyp( . ' itten on this 0 e Sheet of pap without Alte. - tion , Era ure 1 or Int e Lineation , and ereby do so Cc y . ;r ;: Sig d , F' . R . "ii1so , Clerk . MICROFIhe . 746 — DATEOCT REEL �17