HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 237 Page one . OHDIEANCE ;]o . 237 . An ordinance Creating the Office of City reighmaster of the City of Payette- villa and `d)efining his Duties , etc . Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fayetteville Arkansas . Section 1 . That the office of City , SPaigmmaata r be and the same is hereby created . Section 2 . That the City Weigher shall be allowed to appoint a deputy from7 time to time as the office magi require , whose appointment shall be confirmed by the City Council , and for whose acts tha City Weigher shall be responsible ; said deputy shall receive for his services One ( $1 . 00 ) Dollar for each day %:•hila in actual service . Section 3 . That said Weigher shall keep his office on the ground provided by the City for a Weighing and Hitching Yard , and shall at all times be in readiness to attend to all duties required of him from to Sundays excepted . Section 4 , The City Waighar shall collect from the seller or ovmer of the property weighed , or the person having the same woi&hed , fees as follows , to wit : - For each loaded wagon _ _ - - - - _ _Ton Cents . For each head of cattle or draft of cattle - - - - - - - Ten Cents . For each horse or team - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Ten Cents For each head of hogs or sheep - - - - - - - - - - - - -Five Cents For each draft of hogs over one - - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ten Cents . For each dfaft of any commodity not woiShed in wagon ---Ton Cents . Section 5 . That the City PaiChar shall keep a book , in :which shall be posted the number of tickets issued , and total receipts for each IV day , and file with the Council , at its first session in such month a tly \ statement under oath showing all the fees received by him during the pre- wG ceading month , and shill make a settlement with the City Treasurer andpay into the City Treaaury all such monies which shall have been c - olioctad a by him , as aftan as once a week , MICROFILM®. C."} ` { • � �. `I • RATE 4_ w Paf;e two . OP.DIPTANCi No . 2. 37 ( Continued ) Section 6 . That whenever such money shall be paid to the City Treasurer , duplicate receipts for the same shall be given , one to be re- tained by the Weigher , the other to be filed with the City Clerk . Section 7 , The City Weigher in addition to the duties herein required of him an such shall have the care of the Hitching Yard , exer- cisingg control over the same under the supervision of the Committee on . Public Grounds, and stall at all times keep the same in a neat and sanatary condition , and he shall perform . all •work necessary to be done in keeping in repair the gates and stalls and any other necessary work and repairs . Section 8 . The Hitching Yana mentioned in the preceding section shall be for the exclusive use of non-residents of the City , Section 9 . That the City Weigher and Controller of the City Hitching or Wagon Yard shall receive a salary of Thirty-five ( $35 . 00) i Dollars per month , and shall hold his office at the pleasure of the City Council , Section 10 . Said City Weigher shall be required to enter into bond with approved security in the sum of Five Hundred Dollars for the faithful discharge of his duties , ************************************ Passed and approved this 7th day of August , A , D , L908o f �c�