HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 236 OR Pill: Cs178 P}UNRFR .236 . An Ordin :ince to Govern the Construction of ; icievralk. incl Curbinus in the City of Fayetteville , .krklr..; 1 .3 . Ru' IT O )?D '1Ii: r Ry til ? City ^oiincil of th'c City of Fiyettevi ?. i. e that, 3ido 'vtll. 3 m3 :;tr ) et Cu "' ings in the City of Fayetteville shl3. 1 be oor.— ctr, icte: l in tale following ]Winner : 3ii0`71lh O '' 3traot Curl nR S111.111- 1 r ct � i . .ti _ , e Ii .l c _ oonatru ., , ;d within t%, .. City of F -lyetteville unless First ordered or permitted by r '3ol` itlon of t `l ' City Counc - 1 , ind hefor : the " ity shill. order or ler . " it t11e0cnstrll ; tion of any or curb sing it i3htll fi. r:3t 0. 111430 t31 � Snide line t0 i . : eat ti) 1. 1311 ad at auch nlicP. by ;110 " it }r Seo . :111 idelralk,) oonstructel urdPr the provi :, iers of thi :3 Ordnance ahall b rot 1 =:; s thlr _, ur W feet wi . a , exclusive Of tha curving , ini t11 hive in inciiP. ation of orl_ fcllrth ( 1 /4) inch to, the foot t 1 r the street . In ev ^.ry instai-lce ' in which the COUnOil :1h -il1 . ar or _) -, rmit the conetniction of lriT .; i ' ewal. k it 7 ha1 :1It the me t1 340 cificilly de,.3ignit > the width theracf . * * ` * a Sec . 3 . The IVYTn shill be eight ( 8) inches, belo -1 t.}le - ride 'tin , 1rd .� l31 bfil. lell 1Pith four ( 4 ) inches cf ',let 0i11jerl , the o' rl'll Imp a ir. xde , then fitle:l with concroteto al , ch a gr icle til It `. '}1 ' n t''1Or011g i11V tirined in nl1 ": 0 th0ra will hiv tt lai;, t tYlree- / 4 i c'le3 for ton. lre:, ssing . ) eo . 4 . ",".her : tha ,gr .tde is suoh til•it it r. equir. e:) fill tile fill 3hill be m 1 i a ,' : ' ro ; e strlle lnd e firth thoroughly tlmlecl to 1sithir. eight ( 8 ) inohes of the :lilewil. l: grille , v:hich e '.ght ( 3) irche.f is to be ` i11ad 11ith cinders , conorate Ind ton— ' ^ essing in the II oVla W: tnrer as for exciv'Itions . # * * * # * # * * # # # * # # * # * # * # # * # # « # ► # « # * # # Seo . 5 . The comcret ^ shall i; e co _)oaad of f ise ( 5) parts of O}) ert , ( ; nishel .l `. 0 '^ 0) ird Ono dirt beat t', r1de POrtlard ( emert , t0 v0 mi .xad tvdcC , iry Irl tl7ice Piet On . 1 su1 ;. _iblemi -..jn"' bo lyd , .Incl shall be iut in -.) lice wit}li :: fortv_ five ( 45 ) ni.mlte.> aft ^r the fourth or final mi ', irg . S : c . r . The top- : rae3ingr sh 111 „ e not less r +;h + ` .� v}lin t}l rea_ frll :i ir. :hWs in thict:ne:) s in: i shell he ocm ,o :sed Of eilllal pirty of grcd ' , MICRONUAID ' �f DATE OU a HM O� t, � . : e REEL� � i , Cle _.:i sand ' ind the befit grade Portland Ccnert , thoroughly floated in place and troweled to a smooth surface , and . must be ' put in elite within thirty ( Wi) minutp .after mixing , and within thirty ( .3^ ) minute.; aft >r cor.:_oletion of the bash . The top--dressing shall also be blacked off ind cut throu�rh into the bare at le -Lst three ( 3) incli : , in, de_Ith with i trowca! or tool mane for that purnoso , so that no blool. -;hall fie J. iraar th tr six ( % ) lineLr feet in its greate:, t aimen3ion , or contain more thin twenty - five 51 3 ,itl ;lr. e Feat in its su - face . All rnars rust be so rounded off as to l '; iv9 no square I co ,` . or edges . n .�ors.� -, Sec . 7 . All str-e\* curbing up to fourteen ( 14) inches deep , unlezc3 other'wi3e or- ; erect ' u the Council , shall be of concret P , four ( 4) iroha. thln.-h ind shall ct e u„ flush wi .h the ton of the sidewilk . "he Conoretp for. our . ing ihai. i) a the i : e as is re;uireii for side- r: ilk.; , .ind shrill be built at tle same time as the sidevuili. ind in 3ui ''. able form . All' curbing s all be >liaterad with cemnnt plaster niLxed :is rec: uired .for top-dress ng , which sh .tll i; eapnliad .chile the CU -Cil n`L', i3 yet green . ',there til grade a3tablished necersit -ttes i :lea,) er curb thin feurtpen ( 14) i ,hes , the b .tse of ;>uch curb shall be four- > enths ' 4 /1rl of the heig t of the •curbing , inti the ton shall tIvitys be four ( 4 ) inches in thicknee; s : All curbing ::hall have a bltt9r of two ( ?) inohc3 to t e foot totr._ir T3 thle Sec . H . If rh �rp is my rear n_ii 1p dou:'. t its to the work being �Icna a0oordirS to the speoifiCat LCns toll. e Sidelralh Insnector , :.hall before iccentin;; neirVly finished 1sork `\ h _lve poker to compel the con- tr .iotor . to chiapl i t ,eythole ti? see ( 3) inch P;-; in . ianeter in = ich ( ':O ) linetr fe . t of sidzr,oaik to teat the thicknes :: of the niterial , and if there is any ahort .ige , and suoh short iage amount :i to mor. ethan 1 one-half ( 1 /2 ) inch , said Inspector may co r.< Lprn:n same and refuse acce�otanoe . Such test roles !::ust be filled at contractors expense . Whece 'defective Ylork of any ", t � i � kirii is d . ecteal the " icy Engineer and Insnector shall order the camp reinoved and thawork done in keeping with the regulations ind s_naoifi .> :% tions made ,ind provided by tilesity_ F ' ounoil to govern the construction of sidew-iihs and street curbing .+ in the " ity of Fayetteville . r si c . J . Eo pnr=' t r.;hall be '_ G3uod toan;r liC9n :: :ilinl7.11 }C layer llirini ;het i ^: C 11E sli ill fai. l or refilse to r7refiy any ;l Efec ' i. YE Arrk , after he - his h , n nOtiee from the Inspector !:rltt Ce. rliin i, ne ifi .?(1 LOOTk i3 not ir. k9eningr with regulations and sp ^ Ci Fi .,^, •a !" i0 n:i 3dOpt er.'t by the City o . zr.o 1 . * * * * * * * * * * * « * * « * * * * * « * * * * * « * * * k * * * a s * * * * S ; 1C . rich section of ilevlal }: built it diff :; -' ent ti.Pi =c; chill be Jt .knIt) M i. in int "l- 1 i l: l P, prin: it . .i ConSpialo Us place , with +he nano of t}tE v'Ontri!) t T or 'ET711 ind t}lE :late of construction . 7hP,re the lEilk is more than of e hundre.` d ( I(V fect long t o Tiune -ind dlte .ibove s ) ecifid rust tppe r in each hundred ( 100 ) =cot section . * * * * * * ` * Sec . 1 . Th E eoncret . rl, 10 be so nrot, eoted frorr, the woather ind the h •. it of the sun is note to he du*:aged by .. aine . * * * « « * « « * * * No T) eTsrn or 11 e1:30?s exo opt tho :; g dilly l. i. Cense,i :,hall " oe nerinit : el to i3S idel': Ilks it der coni, r act P:ithin the City of F•lyetteville , Ird any I) ersrs on or l esons :. o licensed shall. give personal Attention to any work Bone under is or their license . lie or they .;hall employ none cut com» et. ent n rsona to do s •tid work . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Seo . 13 . 1 : 1 peroons contr. LOtinv tpla -' a si ' e rtl }. in t`: 4 city o , Fayetteville sha 1 , before c, mm . )cing on such contract obtain from the �: l tar " n�T, in - eOY 3 }) r TP:i t t0 ':n ." tr76 , t .,^,11Ch l'll1 }: , ind at ill t = 1". "3 iIIT— { I tale erk o C : o : it .ru .; tion aid reTPi .it ohall he kept on the ground in w t:^ e handl of the Cont ctctor or s :ide�yalk lt)rer em?nloyel} by hir . Sec . 14 . reiore ,any street or _,tt%, lic T.:t}r c to be olockeit or ob . 3t T7Ct E1 I'CT t}lEpllrpoSe Of Ijlri nV -ill r Si ' .91Za1 }C OT ClirGin,.^„ ?J P,T :i .: S 7, 0 ^. til 3refor l?iast be first cot line } from t\, City Pr.ff ineEr . * * * * * 'k 4 * * 1- * * * * f J i OO . l .r . kll j) erE1Cn Con : r_lCtittL^, tip I Or : ir} e`•l .ilks in tha (; i, tzr Of F tye : i- eville shall ;ach give bond ir. th at . _ of Five Huna. - ei ; 3'^ r . ^nl ` Dcllir3 1':ith .ieourlti, a:) ,) roved :iy the liter rouncil fCr `}le £ aithfLll i) ETforranoeof ilial COr ) 1i1nCa, LSith all rule:; , )' e�lll :ttiOn'.'> and Ordi. n . tni) Pr; rade and -) rovi 'I -; by tSte (Io �.h ^, il of the :^, i +, ir O .e F_l *rntt eVillC to f �.Cvern t:l : conFitrtic, tion of .: 1ii EF.tlii3 _ind curbings in said City . ) .lig}. h'onid sIr ill be i. n tllefollorling fora , to lit ; n DS Y 0 4(m `