HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 234 Ordinanc . ICo . ^. 34 . In Ordinance to Srin?) ress P.. illilyd Halls and Pool Roos 7ithin the Crr- ` J _10ri, o Limi ; a of the Ci `. y of FayettevillA , Ark=tns <ls . RE IT OR 1 [ ;; 'P ,7y L'he i tp of F,tyet 'L- eville , Arkans s : Section 1 . From lnd a °ter the Thirtieth ( )Oth ) a -ly of June , 19n, 8 , it ohil 'l b9 unll':rful for any ., erson or persons , either for himself or t:l em3 elv 93 , or Cor 'Inn. Other ner3aon or pe.r. ons , to ;; . ep , on . r=.lte or r-.in :ny Biliilyd Hall or Pol Roor. ":eithin the cor.)orite limits of the City of Fayettevill . , Provided , that nothing in this Or- linanoe con- 9 ' t lined sh ill ip-)ly to an,r person , comp 1nV o !' club th it m :ly keel) a illiard Rocco tvn . re tr. e glme is p1lyed simply for their oe;n pleasure lnd anuserient anti no charges for use Of table: or privilegrl cf nl :lying the game . ection 2 . Thlt any person or persons vio .latirg 290tion 1 of this Orlinln,ce shall be deeire:i ,-uilty of _l misdPriesnor , and upon conviction ' hlll be fined in any sum net les :, than Twenty - five ( ^ 5 . 00 ) Doll -lrs , - nor more than. Fifty IA50 nnl Dollars for each offense , and each rias in �,hich Slid Ordinance i3 violatAI shall be tnd constitute a so crate off en.� SFMON 3 . All Ordintnaos or pirts of Ordinanees in conflict with ,his Orlinanoa are herel;y renelled , anal this Or. - . tnan ; e sh111 be in force ald tli. e ef ' ect from and ifter the Thirtieth ( .701 day of June , 1908 . - x- x- x- x-s- x- .x- x- x- x- x- xx- x- x- x- 0 Pissed anal Apnrovod this the 24th Day of April , l9r8 . .O ,R I d do qefr1.Cl • '� $ , 4 ,l .r.� , . + 4. A }1111 .11.x. . .. .F . .. .1.} 1} 111 1 N U MICROFILM® _ DATE O2 a W71 REFl�{'3,,...