HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 222 AN ORDINANCE - levying assessments on the several Blocks , Lots and Parcels of real property in Water Improvement District No . 1 , of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , the cost of the improvement pro - posed for, said Destrict , and assessing upon the real property within the limits of said District the amount of said cost . - - - - - - - - 000 - - - - - - - - WHEREAS the majority in value of the property holders owning real property adjoining the locality to be effected and situated in Water Improvement District No . 1 of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansan , organized for the purpose of furnishing water to the inhabitants of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and of purchasing the present water works system now therein and of supplying the streets , lanes , alleys and public places of said City with }eater , and of extending , operating and constructing and maintaining a system of 'water works for said City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , ( the real estate in said City having been designated as Water Improvement District Ido . 1 . ) have petitioned the Council of said City* of Fayetteville .,, Arkansas , fo r the purchase , construction and acquisition and the operating and maintaining of said improvement , and that the cost thereof shall be assessed upon the real property of and composing and situated in said hater Improvement District No . 1 . according to the benefits to be received by said real property ; and WHEREAS said benefits received and which will accrue to and be received by each and every block , lot and parcel of real estate sit - uated in said Water Improvement District No . 1 equal or exceed the local assessment thereon ; and WHEREAS the estimated cost of said improvement is ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS THEREFORE , it is now ordained by the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , that said several blocks , lots and parcels of real property in said Water Improvement District No . 1 be assessed according to the assessment list for said improvement district as the same now remains in - the office of the City Clerk of said City of AUCROFIWE DATE t a %� REEL 1978 ( 2 ) Fayetteville , Arkansas ; that seven per- centum pf said assessment on each of said blocks , lots and parcels of real property shall be paid annually for five sucessive years on or before the 15th day of September in each year ; that after the expiration of said five years ten per- contum of the assessment shall be paid for five consecutive years on or before the 15th day of September in each year ; and after the expiration of said ten years fifteen per- centum of the assessmen t on each of said blocks , lots and parcels of real property shall be paid for one year on or before the 15th day of September of such year , and until the whole of said local assessment shall be paid . And said local assessment shall be a charge and a lien against all the real property in said district from the date of this ordinance and shall be entitled to preference over all judgements , .excutions , incumbrances or liens whensoever created , and shall continue until ) such local assessment , with any penalty and costs that may accrue thereon , shall be paid ; provided as betixreen grantor and grantee all payments not due at the date of any transfer of such real property shall be paid by the grantee . It is further ordained that the first installment of said assessment shall be due and payable on or before the 15th day of September , 1907 , but the time for said first payment shall run to and include and nay be paid by the 25 day of September , 1907 . It is further ordained that this Ordinance shall be in full force from and after its passage , approval and publication . Passed and adopted the 26 day of July , 1907 , C . A . Mulholland Mayor , . . . . . . . . . . Attest : R . L . Vaughan City Clerk .