HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 211 • Page 1 . ordinance :. o . 2II . rAn ordinance creating the office of , sanitary -policeman , Ueiinn, •JV ]. 0 Ln,` :i x111 ii ..'y i"6 viii d 'Ji Ji] $ iA i' u r-, r .. Biu J1 � 3�& "itJV L. 10 , ter'. ns �a . Be it ordained by the city cou-r.ci ) of tate o ity of Fayetteville , Ar''.ansa� .. y• . A In DA l� nn , n Vl y, ; aecolcn , I , l int. cu j - a.Uy _ C " .: .i _._ is hereby crewed and sai ' office shall be ;laid b r rte q'tlaiicied Citire ' t A - 11 ,: . etor of aiu. .Sim ' , Who d(;311 J ?, ay_iul 7J ;: ) o . l c , " J .YT �' . � C = �;,✓ Council subordinate to ui .'. Chief of Police an Viltol. term of of five : all expire at the pleasure z of the council . 1� Section . 2 . He sha eneral rvision V�q.1 scavenger work in the city and shall person l ynspect t ' ast on\ every month all privies or necc - asary ilol s , 11 Streets a13�cys , gi or ;' pig nens , hotels , stores , livery barns , realfra \ butcher slops , ug ter houses and the premises connec - ted the\ec, hi an any uc'r. other aces in the city as may recuire such insnect - or. dor the pure as c t . � r et and as often as neccossary shall notify the c : .^.ars , upant eraof in sll cases r:here such notice is applicable to c all th sam a for tite purposes of inforcing thcts ordinanc and all of its o 'sions„ th, sanitar ;y policemar. is hereby invested 1•: ith full police pourers acting under the direction and supervision of the Chief of =oliee . Secticn . 3 . That no person of persons shall be permitted tv bury or throve any dead animal or vegetable substance , privy depot its , old papers , stases , brush , hay , corn , oats , grass , tin cans , leaves , rags , tin vessels , or old scraps or refuee of ani kind into tl:e streets , alleys , gutters , vacant lots , back yards , or of %er premises , occupied or unoccupied , or any thoroughfare or other public place of the City , or from his or her premises ipon any lot of property contsguos therto . Section , 4 , No person . shall be allo•aed tc conduct into any street or alloy or any other public place of the City any filth or sour or unclear matta ?• from his , her or their house , kitchen or other tenement or to suffer sucl: filth or matter to escape from his or her premises u n /any of t o glaces xk . above mentioned or upon property contigous thereto . Section , 5 , That lFkwe offal whether consist ; of animal or vegcttOle DATE_�� 1978 a • Page �19 , substances and all articles , things or substances enumerated in the prec6dg ing sections of this ordinance at private residences and boarding houses and business houses , hotels or restaurents , except daed animals shall be safely gathered up , put into convenientbarrels or boxes or any other vessels of not exceeding a capacity of forty Five gallons , 'kept in some suitable place or places which shall be removed by the owner or occupant of the said premises outside of the city limits at least once evayy two weeks , and upon the failure of the ocmer or occupant of the any of the premises above mentio ned to remove the house offal and other thi , gs and substane.cs herein .. enum- erated as provided for in this section , it shall be the duty of the sanitary policeman to remove the same in accordance with the requireIIIents of this section and the said sanitary policeman shall. be authmrized to charge for his services in such case the sum of twenty five cents for each box or barrel so emptied by him and all persons who shall refuse or fail to pay the said officer for his services as herein provided shall be proceeded against in the police court of the said city as for the violation cf t --. is ordinance and as for the failure and refusal to comply with this section . Section . 6 . No person shal , permit any dirt , £ilth , leavesl grase , brush , aashes , or cinders or any other obstruction to be thrown from his or her premises into the streets , or gutters adjacent tsxthereto , and all owners or occupants of any property are required :order penalty herein after provid - ded to keep the gutters adjacent to their reppective residences open , free and clear, from such trash and obstructions for the easy and rapid flow of ; iter through them . Section . 7 . In addition to the duties prescribed in SectionI of this ordin - ance it shall be the duty of the sanitary poloiceman in consideration of the privelidges herein granted to keep the public square free and clean from xfilth and trash . Section . 8 . That it shall. be unlawful and is hereby declared to be a misdeam or for any person , persons , firm or corporation , to in any manner conduct ary privy der. osits into an. dry or run ni ^.� brai� Ch or , into anyVAUlt , Cess pool , sump or drain or to Use or Construct any privy , so that the deposits th- orfrom or therein shall fall into or in any manner be carridd into by any natural or artificial means , sewer pipe or contrivance of any kind or Page 3 . nature into any dry or run , ing brook or branch or into any vault or cess pool or sump , except as is authorized by ordinance number I38 passed by xthe city council March 30th , I904 , within the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . Section , 9 . That hereafter it is unla-�zful and is hereby declared to be a misdeamor for any person or persons except the sanitary policeman to remove or carry through the streets or alleys of the city , any privy deposits , slop offal , filth , or trash , dead animals or fouls , or decaying, animal or vegeta- ble substance withour having been first duly licensed therfor by obtaining form the City Clerk a scavengers licensre . Section . I0 . It shall $ereafter be unlawful for any person whether licens - ed or not to Pump any substance mentioned in Section 9 on any lo`y , glley , street or any other » lace within the corporate lig*• its of t;:e said city or any place within five miles thereof except on the land owncd , leased or conk trolled by the City to be used for such purposes . Section . II . It shall also be unlawful and is hereby declared to be a misdeam or for any person , licensed or otherwise to carry or ' haul any substance mentioned in section 9 of this ordinance extent dead aninal. s' through or along the streets , alleys , thoroughfares , vacant lots , or any places in said city at any time except between the hours of nine oclock P . ?S. and five oclock A . M . Section .•I2 . All dead animals shall be removed from the City limits by the o caner therof and any sucin dead animal may be removed at any time provided , no dead animal may under any circumstances dragged through the st-rects of thethe city and provided further , if the owner of any dead ; . animal , found -;Tithin the cit; is unknown , and cannot be ascertained by the sanitary police man it shall be the duty of such ,efficer tom remove such aninal dt&thout cost to the city . Seetion . I3 . -No person shall be qualified as sanitary policeman or licensed as a City scavenger until he ' shall have provided for such cork , a wagon or cart , the bottom and . sides of which shall be lined with zinc , galvanized . ron or copper , provided with closely fitting lid or top which shall be line with the same material so as to prevent smell or leakage in transportation . Section . 14 . It shall be unla-r. ful for any person ebgaged as a scavenger to NEW pale 4 . charge more under - this ordinance than the folloring rates : - Cleaning one privy for family residence , - - - - - - - - - - - - -, - - - - - - - - .� . 25 . Cleaning one privy for boardinE house - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . 50 Cleaning one privy ffdr store house - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . 0 . 50 Cleaning one privy for hotels and restaurants and other places to be agreed upon betwecn the parties , for each cleani ,:g not to exceed , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 . 00 provided ; that the privies belonging to hotels , stores and boarding houses shall be cleaned at least cnce a week and to private residences at least once each month , and _rrovied further , that Poon Iay ist to October 1st of each year all residences closets in the more populous districts of the city shall be cleaned once every week and from October 1st to "ay 1st of each year such closets shall be cleaned at least twice each month . For removing each dead horse , co.: or large animal , not to exceed .� 2 . 00 Fout =encving small animals , not to exceed , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . 50 . Section , lu . If upon notice by the sanitary policeman to the crrer of tce dead animal that such animal must be removed from the city limits , such owner shall refuse or fail to remove the same within t;:e lve hours after receivcing the said not ' ce , then it shall become the duty of the sanitary policeman to remove such dead animal and to report the o;-Mer thereof to the Police Judge , and the Police Judge shall proceed aL-ainst said 0r:nerx as in other cases of- misdemeanor under this ordinance . Any fine imposed in such caseshall be paid into the City treasury and the City shall pay to the sanitary policeman the amount authorized under section 14 Of ' his ordinar. ca Saction . lo,. Nothing in tris ordinance shall be construed to prevent any citizen from cleaning any part of h ' s or her own premises and from remov- ing the filth therefrom to the City dumping ground , provided ; perform such service during the time specified in sect-,M ` of this ordinance and with such conveyance as is described in section 13 of this ordinance . Section . 17 . That in all cases where a fine is imposed under the provis - ions of this ordinance against parties for refuseal or failure to do the cork herein • specified and directed and such work has been performed by the sanitary policeman , the . City shall pay him the amount specified for v/ . Jii Page5 . Such r:ork under section 14 of this ordinance . Section . 18 . It shall be the duty of all parties , firms or corporations egaged - in the business 6f handleing either live or dressed poultry or eggs within the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville , to clean the pens or cages in which such poultry is kept , preparatory to sale or slaughter or shipment from such dressing plants , ' and to remove from within the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville , excrement , offal , or other firth that may collect in such . cages or pens or dressing plants , at least once a wseek . Section . l9 . Whenever conditions of weather or number of fowls confined shall make it necessary or adviseable , the sanitary policeman shall order the pens , cages or dressing plants mentioned in the preceding section cleaned as often as may be necessary to keen such places An a sanitary condition . Section . 20 . If any person , firm or corporation , or the agent of any person , firm or corporation shall refuse or fail to cause the premises owned or occupied by them to be properly cleaned as provided in this ordinance or to remove from such premises and beyond the City limits any substance or thing as is in this ordinance required , it shall be the d duty of the sanitary policeman after notice as is provided in sectionl5 of this ordinance , to clean such premises and to remove such substance or thing in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance and the perso firm , or corporation or the agent thereof , owning or occupying such prem- ses shall pay to the sanitary policeman , the allowances fixed by section 14 of this ordinance and in case no allo•::anco is fixed for 'he particular serbice rendered , and then such reasonable compensation as r..ay be fixed by the City council , and in case of - failure by such party of Partys to mai-.e such pay;:acnt it shall be the duty of the sanitary policeman to report such person , firm or corporation, or agent to the police judge and proceedinds shall be had as provided in section 15 of this ordinance . Section . 21 . That all persons who shall refuse , fail or neglect to have his or her premises properly cleaned as provided for in this ordinance or shall in any manner violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and uponi conviction thorcox in the police court of the city shall be fined in any sum not less Uilan i NEW NEW Page 6 two , or more than ten dollars for each offense , and each twenty four hours of such refusal , failure or neglect , shall constitute a separate offense , ana for the purposes of this section , firms and coporations shall be deemed to be persons . 4 Section . 22 . That ordinance number 11 passed and approved December 23 , I899 and ordinance nuffiber 33 , passed and approved , June . 26 , I890 , and ordinance number 32 , passed and approved July , 5th , I890 ; and ordinance number 73 , xpassed and approved , Cctober 23rd , 1896 , and ordinance number 75 , passed andapproved %ovember .'.ndrp I896 , and ordinance number 76 , passed and appov- ed January 18th , I897 ; and ordinance number 77 , passed and approved luarch Ist , 1897 ; and ordinance number 67 , passed and app ~ovodCctober 4th , 1897 . And ordinance number 94 , passed and approved , *.*ay 23rd , 1898 ; and. ordinanc number 153 , pa:: sed and approved , . July 25 , 19C5 , and all other ordinances of parts of ordinances in conflict %. ith the provisions of this ordinance be , and the same are hereby repealed and this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and. after its passage and publication. Apprcved : C . A . °'ulhclland . Attest : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - `raughan . ;Jay or . . . - - - - - - - I e