HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 210 MICROFILME6 1 Ordinance No . 2I0 , DATE�� REEL �- An ordinance supplemental to ordinance number 2orpassed and approved January 7th , I907 , entitled "An ordinance authorizing the appoint - ment of a street commissioners and for other purposes . Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas : Section . I . That whenever any person subject to street duty as provided in sec ` ion 9 of ordinance ;;unber 203', passed and approved , January 7th , I907shall have been warned to r:ork on the streets as provided in Scetion 5 of said ordinance and such person shall desire to ma=-.e payment of cash , in lieu of such -*ork a provided in Sectionl0 of said ordinance , such pay- ment shall. be made with ' five days after the time for which such person may have been Warne t ' ;ork , either tc the street commissioner or to the City Treasurer at office . In case ch payment id made to the City Treasurer he shall issue his receipt t person making such payment shoeing such facts as are 3 ` requir d to be ' hown on the receipts to be given by the street commissioner as p ovi " ed " Se tions 4 of said act , and shall deposit the money so raid 4 to nim t _e credit of the street fund . At the end of each month , the City Treasurer shall furnish to the � street . ..issionef an itemized statement showing the amount of xxxk money paid by each person and the name and City address of each -person making such payment . It shall be the duty of the street commissioer from time to time to ascertain what payments in lieu of work may have been made to the City Treasurer in orddr that he may be enabled to ,make the returns required to the .Police Judge . Section . 2 . In all cases in which the street commissioner may have reported a person to the rolice Judge for " failure and refusal to work or, the streets as -rrovided in Section 2 of said act , and any such person rja; dr- airs to r�& y cae ;i in l _ ei, of t . . e work he has been warned to perform , such payment m:ay be made to the Police Judge , who shall issue the reseilt . in his own name as provided in Section 4 of said ordinance and .shall deposit the money sp ,: paid to him in the City Treasury to the credit of the street fund . I � :. be the duty of tL• e Police Judge at t :ee end of each month to Parnish the . PP. street commissioner with an itemized statement of all payments so made to him , and of the persons ma'ain� such payments as provided in the preceding section with reference to the City Treasurer . Whenever payments of cash in lieu of T.j-brk may have been made to the City Treasurer , or to the EolioeJudge as herein provided , and a list v of such payments has been furnished to the City Treasurer or to the Folic:: Judge as herein provided , and a list of such payments has been furnished 1 to t'r_e street commissioner , it shall be his duty to include such items and the names of the persons ma::ing sucl} payments in the monthly reports , which such commissioner is required to make to the City Pouncil by Section 4 of said ordinance . { Section . 3 . That this ordinance shall tare ef('ect and be enforced from and after its passage and publication . - I I. Passed and approved this 6th day of ':arch I907 . 1 R . L . Vaughan . C . A . i:ulholland . I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Clerk . Mayor , Published in the Evening i:e rs on the 7th day of :.'arch I9C7 . I t i I