HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 205 Ordinance No . , An Ordinance auth6rizing the appointment of a STFFFT CCT.? 'ISSICd: 71 defining his duties and fixing his compensation and requiring ceratin persons to labor bn the streets , alleys , sidewalks or other public places in the corporate 'Limits of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , provid. ing for the disburse - ment of street fund. s and for other purposes , Be oR ordained by the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , arkansas . Se ® tion I . That the City Council shall appoint some duly qualified. person to be knocn and designated as the Street Commissioner , v:`'r_o shall hold his position during tile' will. of the Council and :oho shall give bond in the sum of one thousand dollars with surities approved by the Council , the- t he will �4 faithfully perform the dutied of the position and that he �y© will prelai�tly account for and form over to the City Treasurer :all moneys paid to InD-.1 bzT persons subject to street duty in lieu of work on the streets as hereinafter Z`rovided . Section. 2 . The street com."niseicne -r Shall b superiat __d .a_a LOne G'__ i.I':6 � r@F, i : , a11E �: E , OY Et }. Cr j �l: Gl it t 'r e cor7� cr� te _ iL': it & C -f' tl -e Citi' P,1^_less Ot,- Clwise rrcvidcz'I _o2' , but the street eomnittee may with the Consent of the Council direct the street comr. isUioner what work shall be d. one and the manner in e, hicil it sha.li be done . Section . 3 . It shall be she duty of the street coml , issicner i to procure the names of all reale persons subject to street duty as hereinafter provided and to record such names alphebet - ically in a list , such list to be made in duplicate , one of which he shall with the City 'Clergy: . he shall also prepare a list of such persons by streets and. residences so as to include co together the names of all persons residing upon any particular stree t . The alphebetical list shall be ruled in ti2ree columns O on each page in front of the raires .' esich column to be healed O ,,- " la GOY peri Orined or 112oneyy pa -. d. " and the street CGID111iSS10IIx T-"" � \. .11, is y.: ;' ' shall. from time to time note opposite tho nave of each perso_ % Warned to work the streets the number of days labor performedk' JL - � b - Page 2 . by him under each warning or the amount of money paid in lieu therof . Section . 4 . The street commissioner is authorized and instructed to collect such sums as may be offered to him in lieu of work on the street as hereinaff r provided for which he shall give a receipt showing from whom the monowas recieved and the particular dates for which the .money was paid , He sha, ]. turn overxx all moneys so collected to the City Treasurer whenever0 the amount in his hands shall reach the sum of one V hundred dollars andin any event on the last day of each month and shall take his receipts f'or\the same in duplicate , one of which he shall file with the gity Clerk,, Fed shall submit to the City Council on the first regular meeting in each�m� onth a detailed report sworn to before the Po ' ice Judge or some other officer authorized to administer oaths , I � showing the number of dayskwork done on the streets by each person warned or the amount of money paid .by each person in lieu cf work during . the preceding 4ionth together witn., the names of all persons who after having been duly warned to work during the said month have failed or refused to either work or make payment inNslieu thereof . Section . 5 . The street commissioner is hereby required from time to time to notify each person subject to street duty in• the City as hereinafter provided , to perform such duty by work upon the streets , specifying ellen and where such labor shall be, performed . Such notice or warning shall be by delivering to such persons a notice to med.o out on a blank form to be frunished by the city and filled out and signed by the street comm - issioner or by leaving such notice with omo person of legal age � 'at the place where such usually resides . Section . Q . The street commissioner shall have the custody of all tools l and othet; property used in working the stre tc of the city , which shall be placed in his hands by the street committe to whom he shall give his reseipt for such articles , which r. eceint sh 11 be filed with the City Clerk and the street commissioner shall be ld strictly responsible gor all tolls or other property committed to his c stody . Section . 7 . e shall re rer ceive as compensation for hid vices the sum a _ . three dollars p \per day for each day actually employed .L the service ,of _ .•+Nil.` . Page � . the city payable from any f unds available for street improvements , and and h shall be required to furnish his own conveyance in and about the city . Section . 6 . The street commissioner is hereby empowered and authorized to employ all labor whether of men or teams that may be required to execute the wo k under his supervision . Section . 9 . All male persons between the ages of eighteen' and fortyfive `{ years , resident within the corporate limits of the city of Fayetteville shall be liable and subject to street duty performable by labor upon the streets , alleys , sidewalks or other public places within the porporate limits of the city to be performed at such time and place asx may be designated by the street commissioner and under his supervision and direction . Section . 10 . Each person subject to street duty as defined in the prec - eeding section , shall perform five days work in each year or furnish a substitute , acceptable to the street commissioner , who shall perform that amount of work or in lieu thereof shall pay to the street commiss - ioner the sum of one dollar in currency for each day he may have been warned to work ; provided that no person shall be compelled to do more than two days work on the streets or other public places of , the city in any one month and each person warned to work shall have at least three days notice of the time and place he will be required to perform such work . Section . 11 . It shall be the duty of the street commissioner to report " l . persons who refuse or neglect to work at the time and Place designa '. ed by him or furnish a substitute as herein provided , to the Police Judge of the City within five days from the date of such failure , provided , that if within such five days any one so delinquent shall appear before the street commissioner with a good and sufficen� excuse for his failure i or neglect to work as warned , the street commissioer shall at once j warn him to perform such work upon another designated day or days as the case may be i r Section . 12 . ',nenever the street commissioner shall have filed with the Police Judge a report of the persons deliouent as provided in the pr . , ious section , it shall be the duty of the Police Judge to at once. ' E ` t ¢ t Page a . on such information , his warrant for the arrest of such person or persons. directed to the Chief of Police abd charging them with " failure and refusal to work the strep is " . Section . 13 . Any person subject to street duty as herein provided who ` Y shall refuse o r neglect to work at the time and place designated by v the street coma*nissioner or to furnish a substitute , or to pay cash in lieu of work as herein provided shall upon conviction before the Police Judge be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined in any sun not exceeding five dollars for each offense . J Section . 14 . The Mayor , i'o7. ice Judge , Chief of Police and his subordinat - ees , City Cleric , City Treasurer , and Aldermen , and all members of the fire department , students of the State University who are not permanent residents of the city , and all persons who are not able to perform labor by reason of physical disability shall be exempt from street duty . Section . 15 . The street commissioner provided for in section 1 of this ordinance is hereby designated a sreciel disburseing agent of the city for the purpose of disbursing funds expended in the improvement of the streets , alleys and other public places of the city . In addition to the bond required by section 1 of this ordinance he shall be required to enter into bond as such disbursing agent with surieties to be approved by the city council in ' the sum of one thousand dollars for the faithful performance of his duties as such disbursing anent and that he will properly disburse and faitiifnily account; fc-r the public moneys adv,-need Lo him under the provisions of thos ordinance . Section . l- , The said street commissioner as such disbursing agent shall from tine to gime make requistion upon the City Treasurer for an admance of money to pay any and all expenses that may be properly incurr - ed in the work under his supervision and when such requistion is approv - ed by the Mayor , the City Treasurer is authirized to advance t6 him as such disbursing agent form any funds in the treasury available for use on the streets and not otherwise appropriated , the sum namedin such requisition , peovided , requisitions of the streets commissioner as 'disbursing agent shall not be approved by the :dayor for amounts that would in the aggreate exceed the amount of the disbursing agents bond until he has rendered proper accounts for moneys previously advanced o � � � v Page 5 . to him so that the amount of public moneys actually in his hands shall in no case exceed the :amount, of his bond . Section 17 . The street commissioner as special dis - bursin<.g agent shall spy from the funds so -:advanced to him all liablilites of the City for labor or material used 'on the streets of the City under his supervision and he shall render under oath monthly accounts as such disbursing agent in which he shall credit the City with any balance in his hands at the end of preceding month together with all advances made to him by the City Treasurer during the currant month and in which he shall debit the City with all stuns paid out by him (luring the month for labor or material used on the streets and alleys of the City . He shall be required to support each item pf ddbit with a proper voucher , signed by the person whom the amount waspaid and showing exactly what service was performed, the number of days and the particular dates upon which said service was rendered and the rate paid per day , or per hour , and in case of materials furnished shall show the oharaoter and amount of such materials and the rate paid therefor . In statim his account as required above, the disbursing agent shall show all material facts required in vouchers and in case any item should be suspended in a settlement of such an account , the dis- bursing agent shall re- state such item in a supplemental account for the particular month . Section 18 . The monthly accounts and vouchers of the street commissioner as disbursing agent shall be carefully examined by the auditing committee and such committe shall submit the same to the council with a written: report thereon showing approval of the same of the committee ' s objection to any item contained in such account . Page 6 . Upon allowance of the account by the council , the City Clerk shall certify to the City treasurer the amount of the account so allowed . Section 19 , The City treasure shall keep an account with the street commissioner as special disbursing agent in which he shall debit the disbursing agent with all stuns ad. vanced to him from the City treaury and shall credit him with all sura certified by . the City Clerk as having been allowed by the City Council , Section 30 . The City treasurer shall submit a monthly report to the City Council in which he shall show the balance with which the disbursing agent was chargeable at the end of the preceding month , the amount of money advanced to him during the current month and the amounts with which he has been allowed credit by the council . Section 21 . That Ordinance number 20 passed April 24th , 1890 abd Ordinance nymber 42, passed May 28th , 1891 , and all other Ordinances or parts of OrdinanoeB in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance be and the same are hereby re- pealed and this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication . Passed and approved this 7th day of J anaary 1907 . C . A . Mulholland, Mayor . Attest : R . L . Vaughan, Clerk . Published in the Fayetteville Daily the day of 1907 .