HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 207 Page one . An ordinance to provide for the issue of burial permits and for the keeping of a mortality record in the office of the City Clerk and for other purposes . Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fayette- ville , Arkansas , Section 1 . That within thirty six hours from the time of the deathof any person within the corporate limits of the City , and before the removal of the same for interment , the undertaker or other person who shall have taken the interment in charge , shall obtain a permit there6or from the Recorder and Clerk of the City by application thereto . Section ' . At the time of the application , the person making the same shall present to said officer , a certificate that shall contain a statement , as near as may be of the foilowinE facts in relation to any such deceased person , to wit : - The date of death , 1 name , age , occupation , place of birth as to town , county , and State , d the locality of the death in the town , cause of death , the ::ex . b 7� J color , the factof being married or single and such other facts U as may be u,oful . Section 3 . Said certificate shall be obtained from the. . physieial or_ sur:eon who shall have professionally attended such deceasod . person up to time of death . In case two or more of such c d9ebaeasl persons shall have attended such person , the oldest one l \ � in attendance shall furnish such certificate . In case no . physician Y R r surgeon was in attendance , then the caro may be referred to the City Physician or any licensed practitioner of medicine in the City , who shall proceed to view the dead body and ascertain all the facts S necessary , and if satisfied of the cause of death , shall grant a certificate for burial . In case of an . ir.quest , the coroner or other person making the same shall furnish the Certificate . "CROFgAgED �] E�EOCy 1978 Page two . Every such certificate shall have the name of the maker therof affixed thereto in his professional or official capacity , as the case may be , and the place of his residence . Section 4 . Each of said burial permits shall be numbered in the order of their issue and shall set forth the name of the deceased and time and place and cause of death and shall be signed by said Recorder and clerk , and have the seal of the City affixed thereto; and be delivered to the sexton or other person in charge of the cemetery or other I- lace of burial . 1 Section 5 . No conductor of any rail road or express company or hack driver or any person shall remove from the City any dead body , unless a transfer permit with proper coupons attached , be first ob— tained from the recorder and Clerk . Section 6 . The recorder and Clerk .shall keep a book in his office to be known as the record of motality , in which shall oe entered by said officer the substance of such certificate and reports . Section 7 . Any person violatin any of the provisions of this ordinance shall on conviction before the police court of this City , be punished by a fine of not less than five nor more than . twenty five dollars or imprisonment in the City prison not exceeding thirty day's a or both , at the discretion of the court . Section8 . That this ordinance . take effect and be in force from a and after its passage and publication. Noveftber 28th , 1906 Ordinance No . 207 .