HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 198 q8 - An ordinance to authorize A . Mulholland :as ?1ayor of the City of Fayetteville to transfer by warranty deed to the United States of America , certhin property within said City , describing said pro.herty :incl designating it ;.; use . Be it ordained by the City council of the City of Fayette- ville Arkansas . Section .l . That full power and authority be and the same - is hereby granted and given to C . A , ,Muliholl.hnd as hdalror of the City of Fayetteville to convey to the United Stater of America and its assigns on beh _tlf of said City by a good and sufficient deed , duly executed , all the right , title , claim and intere:; t of said City in and to ttie following described lands hvithin the corporate lim- its of said City , to A part of block numbered 27 as shown by the original. plat of the town of Fayetteville Arkansas , and more particularly des - oribed :is follows : - Beginning at a point which is thirty two ,feet and three inches ,vest and thirty two feet and three inches south from the north east corner of said block number 27 , running thence west 150 feet to a point thirty two feet and three inches east from the west bournlary of said block ; thence south 150 feet to a point thirty ttao feet and three inches north of the south boundary of said block ; thence east 150 feet to a point thirty two feet and three inches west from the east boundary of said block ; thence north 150 feet to the place of beginning . { The z -ime being a part of the block kno = as the ,)ublic squlTe in tihp said City of Fayetteville , to be user by the United j Rtatea as a site Por a Federal Post Offi '� s building . Section P . That the Clerk of said City is hereby author- ized 'incl directed to atteat said deed of conveyance when so made and exeiuted vrith his official signature ani with the seal of said Tty of Fayetteville . 3eetion 3 . That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication . Nov . nth , 130b . Ordinance number 198 . II ,J �AIGROFIIM� DATE l