HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 192 NOW Page 1 . '- \ Ordinance o . 192 , An dinance amending section 4 of an ordinance niubbouddl.4,9 entitled. an ordi ante providing for the building , rebuilding repairing and maintaining foo pavements or sidewalks and �carbing on and along all property abutting the streets and .publ�ic squares in the city of Fayetteville , Arkansas . // Be it ordained by i� city couhnil of the city of Fayetteville , Arkansas : Secticn . l . Dia: section 4 of ordin nce number 149 passed and approved on the h day of October 1904 be and t1ie same is hereby amended to read as follov;s : ./Section . 4 . ( of ardinance No . 149 ) I f the`wrer of any lot or property so required tnit construct , reconstruct or repair sidewalk or curbing as prescribed by this ordinance , shall`-fai - or refuse to do this for 30 days Term the time of recoiaving the notice provided for in section 3 of this ordinance , the person so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than one or more tean' ten dollars for each offense and each day that i such offender shall fail or refuse to comply with such notice shall be deemed a separate ,offense and furthet , in case the owner of any lot or ` property shall refuse or fail to comply witil such notice for thirty days after due\ notice of the same it shall be the duty of the city Clerk after 'giving ten days notice thereof in some newspaper published in said city , to recieve sealed bids or proposals for furnishing the materials and doing the said -,work in the manner provided for in this ordinance and tms submit such sealed bids to the city council at its next regular meet . ing for its acception or rejection ; and said city council shall then have the pokier and is hereby authorized to let the contract for such work to the lowest responsible bidder and shall do so . l'i'nen such improvement shall be made it shall be paid for by the city and hie city shall then proceed to eo ' lect the amount expended for the same by suit against such owner or by foreclosing its lien on said property in the manner required by law . Section . 2 , That this ordinance s'rail be in effect and for a fror and after MICRORLM® O �r its passage and publication . / T DATE OCT a LqMREFl � .