HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 191 Ordinance xTo . I9I . An ordinance laying off certain territory within the corporate limits of The City of Fayetteville , Arkansas into an improvement district , designating the number , defining the boundaries thereof and naming the same . wheras at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Fayett - eville , Arkansas , Yield on the IIth day • of July , I906 , a petition signed by ten resident owners of real property , within the distrit herein after described in Section I of this ordinance , was pres - ented to said Council asking that it take steps towards the mak- ing of an improvement , consisting in the paving with vitrified bridk of the following described streets and parts of streets : ) Mountain street from College Avenue to Church street ; Center street from College Avenue to Church street ; Dickson street from College Avenue to Arkansas Avenue ; Fast street from isountain street to Center street ; Fast street faom Center street to Dickson. street ; Block street from Mountain street to Center street ; And wheras in said petition it was further pefitioned that the Council lay off a stipulated portion of said street or streets into an improvement district for making said improvement , now therfore , . Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas : Section . I . That the following lots , blocks , streets , alleys , and parcels of real estate situate in the cite of Fayetteville Arkansas , be and the same hereby are laid offand declared to be an improvement district within the said city , to -wit : - Beginning at the S . E . corner of the S . .E . I - 4 of the N . E . I - 4 section I6 , Township I6 , Range 30 west , in Washington County Arkansas , which is to say beginning at the Southest corner of Block ^ 0 . I5 of the original plat of the city of Fayetteville Arkansas , thence forth to the center of an alley ( now closed ) extending east and west through saod block , thence west 235 mlaom1 o DALE feet , thence north , parralell to College Avenue , 85I feet , tit 3 the north line of hknc'AKK lot I0 in Block I , original plat , thence east to the west line of College Avenue , t 'r..ence north on the i^ivest i line of College Avenue to the northeast corner of Lot 3 , of block Io County court addition , thence west on the north line of lot 3 , said line extended to the east line of Arkansas Avenue , intend - ing to include all of streets now known as Scott- street and ; atson Avenue , also all of lot 3 , county court plat N . E . I - 4 N . "1 . I - 4 section I6 , township Io , 'range 3 � , west thence south I along the east line of Arkansas Avenue ;. across Dickson street to the South line of Dickson street , thence west to the west line of Lot 5 , county court plat , S . E- PI . W . I6 - I6 - 30 , thence South along the west line of 1 OR 5 , j . . I i I -® 00 Se e . 1 . Continued , to the S . Fi , Xor , Thersof , thence East on south line of said lot andsouth 741 line of lots 3 and 4 , of said county court Plat , to the Enst side of Gregg streot , thence North on - tha East side of Gregg stnoe to the contra of wast line of Block 7 of the Original plat of the city of Fayetteville , thence East through centre of blocks , 7 ,6 , and 5 of said Original plat to the East line of Locust street , thence South to the S • W . Cor , of lot 5 , block 4 , of said original plat , thence East to the East 'line of Church street , thence North to tha South line of lot 3 , block 3 , o : theoriginal plot of the city of Fayetteville , thonce Past to the East side of Block street , thence North to a point 282 feet , more or less , South of ;forth West Cor , of Block 2 „ E thence East to a point 100 feet Hest of the wast ling of N , East streot , thence South parrellel to Wast line of North East street to the South line of E ESpring street , thence nest on said south line to the eentra 'of the alley extending North and South through Block 13 of the original plat , thence south in centre of said alley , to the centre of an alley extending East and West through block 16 , of the original plat , thence West in centro of said alley in block 16 , to the East line of North Block street , thence Westerly across North Block street to tae i'llorth East Cor , of lot 41 Block 17 , thence West on north line of lot ,4 , said line extended , to the East line of North Church street , thence south on east line of said church street , to the centre of alley extending E and W , through block 3 , original plat of Fayetteville , now closad , thence East in the centre of said alley and said Centre line extended to the west line of South College Avenue , thence North to the S, E . Cor . of Block 15 and to the point of beginning. Section 2 . That said district shall be known and designated as Improvement district number 3 , of the city of Fayetteville Arkansas , Section3 , That said district is laid off for the purpose of " paving said described parts of said streets with vitrified brick in a good , substantial and permanent manner and to build necessary curbing along the line of said parts of streets in a like good , substantial and permanent mannan " Said streets 4 and parts of streets beim as aforesaid : — Mountain Street from College Avenue to Church street ; Center street , from College avenue to Arkansas Avenue ; Dickson-Stroet from College Avenue to Aekansas Avenue ; East street Vfrom Mountain street to Centre street ; andEast street from Centre to Dickson Street ; Block street from Mountain street to center street . , said improvements to be made in such a manner and to the extent hereafter to be determined ' by themajority in value of the oxrners of reml property with- in such district . Section 4 That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed and that this ordinance take effect and be in force from and be in force fnom and after its -asnage approval and publication . Passed and approved this the 8th day of August , 1926 . R . L . Vaughan Clork , COA . Mulholland , Mayor. i 1