HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 184 All ORDINANCE TO PUNISH THEJ SrLLII G OR GIVING A'9AY OF ALCOHOLIC LIQUORS i7ITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THF CITY OF FAYE:'TEVILr. F? ARK AT?SAS , %%hereAs by an =act of the general assembly of the state of Arkansan , znnroved riay 6th , 1805 , it is made unlawful to sell or give away ) alcoholic , malt , vinuoun , ardent, or fermented liquors or any compound or preparation thereof , commonly called, tonics , bitters or medicated liquors or into. icating spirits of any char- acter which are used and drunk as a beverage , including native Nine , within the corporate limits of the city of Fayetteville , Arkansas . Section 1 . That it shall hereafter be unitiicful for any person to cell or give a ,ay , any alcohol , malt , vinuous , ardent or fermented liquors or any compound or prepar-ition thersof , commonly called , tonics , bitters or medicated liquors or intoxic=Ming spirits of any character inich are used .and drunk .is a beverage , including native gine , vrithin tha corporate limits of the city of Fayetteville , Arkansas , Section 2 . That whoever violates this law shall be fined in j the sum of not less than fifty dollars nor more than 'two hundred dollars, Section 5 . That this ordinance take effect and be in force from ani after its passage , approval ,and publication and that all t I' ordinances and ' narts of ordinances in conflict hierewith be and the same are hereby rep baled . June 10th 190x- , 1 ) rdinance No . 184 . � . ♦ J # # # # # t # # # :k :k 4 MICROnLM® N .Y DATE f1:T . 1971 �a� to REE1 ;♦