HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 181 Page or.3 % XT OMI DITAITCE ESTABLIShING A BOARD OF III'ALTH FOR THE CITY OF FAYETTr•VILLE AND FIXIiiG AND DEFINIITG ITS FOiFERS AND DTITIES , Be it ordained by the city council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . Section 1 . That there is hereby created and established a board of health of the cith of Fayetteville Arkansas , composed of three physicians to be appointed by the Mayor with the advise and k( i consent of the City Council , The time for said appointments \ ! 1 :hall be the second Monday after the election of Aldermen every second year , beginninL with the election in April , 1906 . The Mayor shall be , ex0officio a member of the board , which shall be known and desiEnated as the board of health of the city of Fayetteville , Section 2 . The board of health shall with one week after , Vttheir appointment meet and elect a president and secretary nut of &� V their own number , who shall hold their offices during the pleasure of said board . Said board shall from time to time , make all necessary riles for their own government , in carrying out the duties imposed upon them by this and other ordinances of the city, * * * * * Section 3 , , The jurisdiction of said board shall extend ordinarily one mile beyond the corporate limits of the city , and V i in case of the existence , in dangerous proximity to the city , of 1 � any contaEious or infectious disease generall recognized as being very destructive t human life , and for quarjntine purposes , such jurisdiction shall extend five miles beyond the city limits , Ik` Section 4 . The board of health shall have and are hereby \ vested with all the power , jurisdiction and authority , and \ charged with all the duties that may be necessary , to secure the city and the inhabitants thereof frown the evils of contrgeous , =Z. s" r-V-M 0-QX n.4~ , Lignant and infectious diseases , which it is co:�est for the city council to confer or impose upon them . Said board shall have power to declare as a nuisance and to order DgfE 4 .. Page two . BOARD OF HEALTH ( Continued ) abated , discontinued or removed , any matter , substance , thing , act , practice ; or business , which in its naturq effect , tendancy , or continuance is , or may become , dangerous , injurious or detrimental to the health of the city , its inhabitants ; and it shall be the duty of the police officers of the city to servo and execute su ch orders or notices issuing from said board ; and whoever shall violate , disobey or refuse to serve , to execute such orders or notices issuing from said board , Q shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor , and upon conviction before the Y� police court shall be fined in any sum not less than five nor more than twenty five dollars , provided that such orders or notices shall emanate from the board of health acting as a body and in their official capacity and shall relate to matters strictly sanatory. Section 5 . Whenever deemed necessary by the board of health , in order to prevent the spread or prevalence of any dangerous , con- tageous or infectious disease it shall be the duty of the said board to recommend to the city council the establishmdnt of a qunrfntine at such place or places as said board ma; seledt ; and irmx;diately after such re- commendation is made , the city council shall declare by resolution the I points so recommended to be subject to quarantine regulations ;. provided I that in cases which in the opinion of any two menbers of the board call for speedy action and the council is unable to convene and act within z. pariod of four hours , the board shall make such order ab to quark.ntine as it ssoms best , su)ject to the action of the council at its next regular or called session . The board of health shall determine when such quar&tine may be raised ; and such determination shall be publicly announced by the Mayor , � � ,pp Section G . It shall be the duty of the chief of police or ZZ r-vTJ �0deputy under the direction of the board of health , , to remove beyond or v '��C isolate within the city limits any person who may be sick with an d infectious or contageous or malignant di3eat3e , such as small port , yellow Page three . ROAM OF FF,;ALTH ( Concluded ) fever , cholera , and scarlet fever and others of like fatal tendencies ; and to place such persons in the hospital provided or selected for . the purpose , or if there is no hospital provided , then in some house or tent ; and to furnish and supply food and medicine and do everything which may be 'deemod necessary and proper by the said board . Section 7 . The Mayor shall see that all orders and ro u- 1 lations of the board of health ds1 � are strictly complied with and carried_ out . Section8 . The board of health may , in their discretion make sugEostions to the city council as to any measures to be adopted 11 by ordinance for the improvement of the health of the city . Section 9 . Said board shall determine tho time and place _ " .V yyt rof ' their mooting , and shall keep a record of their proceedings . qr Thoy shall at the experation of their time of service turn over , fr t {rf" to their successors all books and papers belonging to said board . F And they shall report to the city council an acccunt ' of their pro- ceedings , and the sanatary condition of the city , as aften as the city council shall require , or said board may deem necessary . Section 10 . All expenses to be incurred in the exercise oP perfo^mance of the powers and duties conferred and imposed upon the board of healthshall be done by authority of the city council , and all accounts rendered in carrying out the orders of said board shall be signed by the president and attested by the secretary of said board before being presented b the city council dor paymerrt . Section 11 . That this ordinance take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication and that all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewithbe and the same are herobo repealed . May 19th , 1906 , Ordinance 181 dC � � o