HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 179 / r � AN ORDINAHCF TO PRTAFdvT THT COLLr(ITION 01I THR PUBLIC STRH^TS OF CROWDS TO THT HINDRANCP OF PAS3TRS BY . Be it ordainel by the city council of the City of Fayetteville Arkansas . Section 1 . Ti . it shall be unl. iwful for any person or ner. sons to C� �p �-v employ any device , noise or performance tending to the collection, of nersons on the streets or other public places to the obstrudtion of the same or to exhibit any tricks of ledgerdemain or other d ; vices of like kind , or perform -rrith bells , orars or other ir:- struments , upon any of the streets or public squares , provided i this p -ar.igraph shall not effect exhibitions , performances or. the sales • of Any article or :articles _) ermitted , upon a payment of a license under existing ordinances . +. Section 2 . That any person or persons violative ,he provisions of the foregoing section shill be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and U upon conviction thereof before the police Judges shall be fined in any sun not less than five nor more than twenty five dollars . Section 3 . That this; or. dinanoe take effect and be in force from and after its pass3ga and publication . M . y 19th 1906 . Ordinanee No . 179 . -4t?r74 r 4 DAT 1 { k1 iG.UfILMEp fOCTR E_ �