HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 167 ORDINANCE N0 . 167. All O1MIIIANCE TO PUVISIT DISTURBA11rE" 0? THE PEACE, WITHIN THE CITY OF FAYETiEVILLE . Be it ordained by the City council of the City of Fayetteville Arkansas . Section 1 . That if any person shall wilfully or maliciously disturb , Aeither by night or day, the peace and quiet of the City of Fayetteville Ih � A & or neighbor or family thorin , by loud or unusual noise or by abusive , violent , profane or obseeno language , whether addressed to the party so disturbed or to some other person, or by threate^. ing to fight , quarreling or challenging to fight , or fighting or shooting off any fire arms or brandishing tho same , or by running any horse at unusual speed along any street or alley, or by alarming falsely any person or persons by cries that cause such person or persons to believe that some one is in groat danger of losing life or rocoivinE; an injury , he shall be deemed guilty of a ! h misdemeanor , and or conviction thereof shall be fined in any som not more VV than three hundred dollars or to be imprisoned in the City jail not less than one month nor more than six months or both , at the descretion of the poli (-.o judge trying vile case . (� Section 2 . If two or more persons assemble together for the purposo of disturbing the public peace or committing any unlawful act , and do not l disperse on being desired or commanded so to do by the Mayor or poloce officer in the said City of Fayetteville , all parsons so offending shall , I _ on conviction thereof be sevorallin any sum not lass than ton dollars j}h \6AIA nor moor than one hindred dollars , or imprisoned in the C:10 d jail not V less than one nor more than six months , or both , � t Section 3 . That this ordinance take effect and be in force from and after f its passages f Approved thid 10th day of May, 1906 , I R. L . Vaughan, I` Clerk. C . A . Mulhollandr i Ma.40 r. MICROFI�MEm" ; �•i DAiE OCi ♦ ,! REEL, .