HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 166 AND ORDINANCE TO PREVENT CRUELY TO ANIMALS '.'. LTHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY CF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS , Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of ,Fayetteville Arkansas . 1� j Section 1 . That if any person shall drive , over load , tor - l ture , torment , deprive of necessary sustenance or cruelly bett or 1 � uedlessly mutilate or kill or . cause ro procure to be over ridden, over loaded , tortured , tormented or deprived of necessary sustenance or to be cruelly beaten or needlessly mutilated or killed , any living creature , every , offender shall fF?r every such offense , be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than ten nor more than twenty dollars for each and every offense , , /per Section 2 . That any person who shall keep or use in any way , be connected with or interested in the management of, or shall LAY receive money�• for the adm4ssion of any such person to any: 3lace J kept or used for the prupose of fighting or bating any bull , bear , dog, cock or other creatures , and every person who shall encourage i or assist therein , or who shall permit or suffer any place to be Rept or so used , will , upon conviction thereof be adjudged guilty [�f a misdemeanor and shall be fined not less than ten nor more than twenty five dollars . Section 3 .' That this ordinance take effect and be in force from and after its passage , May 10th , 1906, Ordinance No . 166-. T } M'CdOFl Mib DATE or,T y + ' REEL l_