HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 159 Page 14 AN ORDINANCE TO GRAPTT THE ST . .I,OUIS AND SATs FRATTCISCO RAILROAD COMPANY THF RIGHT TO RIIII,D A SWITCH ALONG AND PARTLY IN , 11173 ^1 TR ['-FT , CROSSING DICKSON AND SPRITiG STREETS . Be it ordained by the city council of the City of Fayetteville . Section 1 . That the St . Louis and Sanfrisco Railroad Company is hereby ,r, iven and granted perriission to build and naintain a spur track commencing on its Fast track in West street at or near the north boundary line of pickson street , thence crossing Dickson in a southerly direction , thence along the Fast side of West street in the direction of Spring street , thence across Spring street just east of the Fast boundary of 1!1est street : provided that the said track shall not occupy more than four ( 4 ) feet on West street for a distance of one hundred and eighty ( 130) feet from the south of Dickson street , and from this point south the track is to occupy the Brest end of the abutting prop rty ; and provided further that the said track on the north boundary of Dickson Street shall not be shifted any further e•ist than its -oresent location , Section S . The said Railroad company in considration thsreof is hereby authorized and required to shift the present track between Dickson and Sprang streets, .along ;West street in a Westerly di .rel;tion , so that the space between the tracks at ill points between Dickson and Spring streets shall be as much as ti=renty feet b � twn. en the :: ars while st -:nding on both of said tracks . ?larch 14th 1900 . Ordinance No . 139 MICROBILAUD DATE OCT a �s 1 REEL � o l Page 3 . ` Section 3 . T: . at the St . I,ouis and San Francisco Rail- i road be allo �ed to extend the spur track along the Fist side of West street in a southerly direction to a distance of four hundred and ten ( 410 ) feet along the Ftst side of best strect , instead of one and eighty feet )L:. called for in said ordinance . And this ordinance shall be in every respect subject to all the conditions and provisions in said ordinance number 159 , and in consideration of this grant said Railroad Company shall build and at a13 times maintain a good and sufficient Macadam street betareen its tracks for the entire distance of four hundred and ten feet instead of 180 feet as provided in said ordinance . ( as amended by ordinance Ho . 175 ) May 19th 1906 . ) Section 3 . (previous to amendment ) The said Railroad Company in consideration of said right of gray , agrees and is hereby required to completely plank the rails on each track across i Dickson street and Spring street and along ?Vest street for a d.ist :xnce of 180 feet and also running south west from said spur i acroan West street and the said Railroad Cor,,pany is to construct and maint -iin a good and sufficient Macadamized street between the tracks across P. ickso .n street and south of the south boundary on Dickson street for a distance of 180 feet . March 14th 1906 . Ordinance No . 159 yr 1.` LI 5-`t �'