HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 127 An ordinance to establish the grade of the side walk beginning at the north east corner of the lot now owned and occupied as a residence lot by Bruce Holcomb , on the west side of College Avenue in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and extending to the south east corner of the residence lot of firs . A . 14 . Boteiuhr on said street ; to require portions of said sidewalk to be cut down ; and for other purposes . Be it ordained by the City council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , Section 1 . That Bruce Holcomb be and is hereby required to dig down the side walk in front of his residence on the west side of College avenue in the City of Fayetteville . Arkansas , :cross the entire front of his said lot as follows : beginning at the south end of said side walk at the south east corner of said Holcomb ' s lot , the same to be cut dorm six inches below• the present surface at that end and said sidewalk to be cut dorm all the way from said point to the north end of said lot where said cut. shall be at a depth of six inches below the level. of the side- walk at the south end of said lot after the same has been cut six inches as above described ; said cut in said sidewalk to be made so that the �t1 slope between the two ends shall be gradual and uniform when said cut is completed . Section 2 , That J . N . Tillman be and he is hereby required to dig down the sidewalk in front of his rosidencd on College Avenue in said City as follows : beginning where the sidewalk in front of the lot be- longing to Bruce Holcomb , and described in section 1 of this ordinance ends at the south boundary of said Holcomb ' s lot and where said side walk is required by this ordinance to be cut down six inches below the present surface ; the said J . N . Tillman shall begin at that point and dig dorm the sidoe:all: in front of his residence for twenty four feet south fol : MICROFILM® DATE ocr y REEL�� 1978 z , from said point , digging six inches bale%v the pro •ent surface of the sidewalk at the point whore the side walk in front of his lot joins the sidewalk in front of said Holcomb ' s lot and gradually and unifoynTay lessening the depth of said cut till said cut shall cease at the present surface of the sidewalk as it now is twenty four foot south from the north end of said Tillman ' s lot . Section 3 . That when the cutting down and digging is dono as required by section one and two of this ordinance the same to be done by and at the expense of the said Bruce Holcomb and J . N . Tillman , the grade of the entire sidewalk mentioned in the title of this ordinance is by this ordinance nenmanentiy established and said side walk shall then be and appear; and in consideration of . the above work on the part of said Holcomb and Tillman and for the further reason and consideration that the owners of all the sidewalks described in the title of this ordinance , donated the same to the City several years are with the express agreement on the part of the officers of the City and said donore at the time of said donation that the trees standing on said sidewalk should be preserved , now the City of Fayotteville is hereby bound through its council not to further change the grade of said sidewalk nor to further require said sidewalk to be cut dorm , molested or changed , nor to allow said trees to be destroyed by the City of Fayetteville , her officers or agents and so contracts with said ownora . Section 4 . That said Holcomb and Tillman be required to com- rlete the .vork so that the Mayor of said City shall accept the same as a compliance with this ordinance within seventy ( 70) days from the passage of this ordinance . Section 5 . That this ordinance be in force and effect from f and after the acceptance of said sidewalk by the Mayor as above provided h for , and after its publication . October 13 , 1902 • Ordinance number 1.9740 . F I, • i