HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 124 An ordinance laying off the City into sections , providing for naming streets and numbering residences . Whereas the postal regulations of the United States give free delivery of mails to all Cities whore the revenue of the post office in such Cities equals or excseds ten thousand dollars per annum; and Whereas the said postal regulations make it incumbent on such Cities entitled to free delivery to have all streets properly named and the names , posted up on the corner of the streets and all residences anal business houses of said Cities properly numbered before the free delivery shall begin ; and 7hereas the report of the post master of Fayetteville Arkansas , for the fiscal year ending Juno 30th , 1902 , shows the revenue derived from said post office to be $11 , 245 . 69 which is in excess of the amount required ; Ilow therefore be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . Section 1 . That the street commissioner of the said City of Fayetteville be and is hereby authorized to lay off the said City in sections and to post the names of the streets and to properly number all residences , and business houses in the manner hereinafter provided . .action 2 . That Center street as it is now located ir. the City of Fayetteville shall be the dividing line dividing north and southhalves of the said City of Fayetteville , and the Past street as it is' now lo— cated shall be the dividing line , dividing the east and west halves of the said City . Section 3 . That that part of all streets lying north of said Center street , on streets running north and south , shall be known and designated by the name of the street and as north . That all parts of t}s same streets lying south . of Center streot shall be known and designated by the nnmo of the streets and as south . MICROFILMED + DATEA 1979 i Section 4 . That all parts of streets running east and crest and lying enst of East street shall be designated by the names of the said i streets and as east ; that all parts of the said streets lying west of East street shall be knocm and designated by the names of the streets and as wast . Section 5 . That all residences and business houses in the said City shall be so numbered that the even n unbsro shall be on one side of the street , and the odd numbers on the other side of the street and shall be so numbered as to include one hundred numbers in each block . The num- bers of houses on all streets to begin at number ( 1) on the dividing lines heretofore established and running from said dividing lines to the extreme limit of the corporation . Section 6 . That the said street conunisnioner shall procure proper signs , bearing the names of the streets and the initial indicat- ing whether north , south , east or west and shall have the same tacked up on fences at the intersedtion of each two streets placing one sign with the name of each two streets at each intersection . Section 7 . That said street commissioner shallprocuretin cards of proper size bearing the numbers of the residences and shall place the sane on each' of said buildings . Section 8 . That all ordinances and parts of oedinances in con- flict with this be and are hereby repealed and that this ordinance shall be in force from andafter its passage and publicatiory. August 11th , 1902 . Ordinance number 17. 4 .