HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 123 ! � 3 i An ordinance requir ? n ; owners of nroperty on certain streets to put down sidoralks . re it ordained by the City council of the City of Fayette. - Ville , ryrkancas . Section 1 . That all per ! ons living on or owning property which fronts on ^ pring street , bot •�eeen College ,.venue and '?lest street , and on Church street bet ;. een Rocl: street and "ountain street be and they a ;- e hereby ordered to lay or cause to be laid , aI ewalk each in front of his or her own property , facing on Awi� points designated . I Section 2 . Said sidewalk shall be made of concrete , vit - fied brick or smooth stone flagging and shall be properly laid to the grade as now established or which may be hereafter establi - shed by the City council and shall not, be le :� s than four feet w1de , the curbing to to of dressed stone , not less than four inches thick and to be placed to the grade above mentioned , Section 3 . If s <: id sidewalk shall be made of vitrified brick then the same shall extend from the line of the fence across to the line - of the curbing and shall be not less than six feet in width . If of stone flagging the said flc: gging shall be cut to a square and no less than one and one half inches in thickness and four feet; in width . Section 4 . The paving above required shall be laid r: ith a foundation of two inches of Nand or cinders , well tamped as a base and then one half inch of loose sand spread to a gunge , and then the Ibrick or stone laid flat thereon so as to make a solid bric'l� or i stone walk . Section 5 . Said sidewalks and curbing shall be completely on or before the first day of ?dov . 1902 . Section o . That all persons �. ho shall fail or refuse or neglect to have said sidewalr. s and curbing completed as aforesaid shall be adjudged guilty of . a misdemeanor and upon conviction there - of shall be fined in any sum riot less than five nor more than r ` M'CROf! f Page 2 . _ t :rerty five dol s , for each day that he or she or they ::hall fail , refuse or neg , ct thereafter to have said sidei;alks anti curbing comnlated as a oresaid , Provided that this or. dinarce shall not a-?ply to property , t e owner of •which has heretofore had a side- Walk laid of concrete brie or stone flagging , which is in good r. ep d r at this time and conforms t, the grade established . Section 't . That al ordiiaanc ,s in ccrflict ;with this orclinanoe he anti the same ar , hereby r -pealed and this ordinance to • take effect from and afte its passage and publication . July 23th 1902 . OPDI2'A2NC71 No , 1213 , Note : - This or -Ainance does not ccn{lict with ordinance mimbaer 14 � , passed Oct . 2. 5th , 1904 . As regards the property her.'ein specified it is in full foroe and effect . i s 10 " s S,